Subject: ~Curcumin Based Multi-Vitamin Soothes Inflammation!


Friday is a good day for trivia. Most people aren't thinking about
work…So, here goes.

What's the worst thing about most multi-vitamins?

Are you ready?

They aren't made from natural ingredients!

Take just one common ingredient like folic acid…

It doesn't even exist in nature. It's made in a lab!

Folate is derived from nature, but that's a blend of at least four
different compounds from leafy vegetables and brewers yeast.

Folic acid is poison made by Pharma in an attempt
to mimic folate and profit from vitamin sales.

Historically, nature has given us our best healers. White willow bark
spawned the discovery of aspirin and is nature’s best anti-inflammatory.
Careful application of snake venom has helped us control blood pressure in
times of emergency. And the poppy gave birth to novel pain medications that
have become our best ally in times of surgery.

More than any other time in history, our combined knowledge of nature,
medicine and biochemistry are finally able to unlock nature’s most
effective cures - guaranteed to increase functional lifespan.

But it's rarely applied to the horrible multi-vitamins you find in stores
or sold online.

That's why I designed Daily Dose.

Daily Dose is a multi-vitamin that does far more than traditional
multi-vitamins. Most importantly, it keeps your immune system on guard for
biological nasties and even thwarts cancer.

Loaded with potent curcumin and more, it's the number one way to keep
inflammation down and preserve the body from bad food, age and
excessive exercise.

Just recently, The International Journal of Biochemistry and Cell Biology
published the results of their study on curcumin showing:

"The various effects of curcumin has been widely studied in Western systems
of medicine for decades, and has been found to possess antioxidant and
anti-inflammatory activities. Considering that inflammation plays a major
role in most chronic illnesses, anti-inflammatory agents [like curcumin]
are needed for prevention purposes."

The next part is very important, but you won't see it advertised on TV:

"Because curcumin inhibits multiple pro-inflammatory pathways and is
affordable, this phytochemical should be further explored for prevention
and treatment of various chronic diseases."

Can your multi-vitamin do what Daily Dose can do?

No way!

In reality, if you're taking anything else, you're pillaging your insides
with synthetic vitamins that your body was never designed to handle.

Stock up on Daily Dose and learn more at

Dare to live young!

The People’s Chemist

P.S. Other synthetic poisons to watch out for in multi-vitamins are
vitamin D, calcium and iron...

Daily Dose has none of these: