Subject: ~Crush Pre-Diabetes in Weeks!

Every week, I get countless emails from people sharing what their doctors
“told them.”

“The doctor said I was pre-diabetic,” wrote Jennifer B. from Phoenix,

Ok wait a minute…stop right there. Pre-diabetic?

What the F#@k does that even mean?

Technically, I’M pre-diabetic because I don’t have fucking diabetes.

Does that mean I should be on meds?!

Anyone with a pulse can be labeled “pre-diabetic.” Does that mean they
should be drugged up for the rest of their lives?

In an effort to get MORE people hooked on meds, the drug industry created
the term “pre-diabetic.” This is nothing more than a marketing ploy to
scare people into taking meds.

Soon they’ll have pre-pre-diabetes. Hell, newborns will be pre-pre-pre

It sounds ridiculous, doesn’t it? Well, so does pre-diabetes.

Especially when it’s used to put people on meds.

…Back to Jennifer.

After her doctor told her she was pre-diabetic, she started using Cinnergy (

(Good call. That’s a much better choice than resorting
to the alternative — diabetes meds — they’re the worst!)

Cinnergy is my safe, natural supplement designed to safely lower blood
sugar and protect users from diabetes. Made with organic, medical cinnamon
and milk thistle, Cinnergy stops diabetes dead in its tracks…long before
it ever has a chance to show up in your body.

Plus, it delivers a host of other benefits, leaving users looking and
feeling much healthier (and younger) than their peers.

Watch the free 1-minute vid at

“Using Cinnergy, my A1C test results went from 6.2 to 5.6 as of
yesterday's test. After Googling, I see that the new test result showed
<5.7 is considered normal. Phew! Now I’m in the normal range,” says

The A1C test is a measure of whether or not you have raised blood
sugar levels over long periods of time. It should only be test every 6
months because it takes 3-6 months for it change...a better indicator
is fasting glucose, post-prandial glucose and inulin levels.

Fact: having high blood sugar is not in ANYONE’S best
interests…(regardless of whether you’re “pre-diabetic” or not).
High blood sugar (i.e., sugar in the blood) comes from eating too much
sugar on a regular basis.

High blood sugar affects nearly every aspect of health — including
exercise performance, hearing and vision, libido, sexual function, mental
health, and sleep.

High blood sugar is also the leading cause of fatigue, ADHD, blindness,
amputations and kidney failure.

An A1C reading of 6 percent equals an average glucose of 135 mg/dL (7.5
mmol/L). If your reading corresponds to anything higher than 95 mg/dL, you
could be in danger. Your health trajectory might be taking you toward
depression, premature heart attack, stroke, cancer, and even Alzheimer’s,
usually in that order.

So Jennifer was smart to use Cinnergy, rather than a diabetes drug.

Good for you Jennifer, for making positive changes to your health.

Being labeled as “pre-diabetic” is NOT a death sentence. It’s just a
way for medical community to get people hooked on diabetes drugs. Don’t
fall for the scam.

Instead, use to safely lower blood sugar, and protect
against diabetes. (You’ll know it’s working when you see your A1C test
results drop over time. Plus, you’ll feel healthier!)

Cinnergy is NOT a drug…it’s a supplement. It’s specifically designed
to lower blood sugar, thereby protecting against diabetes naturally. It
also targets stubborn belly fat, prevents premature aging and age-related
memory loss, ensures proper liver detox, and protects users from modern day
toxic threats.

If you’re not already diabetic, you only need to take 1 capsule per week.
(Therefore, the bottle lasts a long time!)

Stock up at

Ditch the meds,

The People’s Chemist

P.S. High blood sugar can ravage your health, over time. Put a stop to it
by using This product safely lowers blood sugar, while
reviving and rejuvenating old, decaying cells! No joke! It’s great at
preventing premature aging, too.

Read how Cinnergy works at