Subject: Courtesy Reminded: 20% Off Ends In 12 Hours


Yesterday I announced a 20% off sale in celebration
of our Chief Computer Geek, now George Bond, "stealing"
his newborn from the hospital to avoid vaccines - at 2
days old!

My highly-effective immune booster, Immune FX, is 20%
for the next 12 hours!

Get it before it's too late at

"George Bond" knows that natural immunity is a highly effective
and safe way to protect a family. He also knows that
Immune FX forces the body to ramp up its protective abilities.

In fact, the outstanding ability of our immune system to ward off infection
was recently highlighted in Noble Prize winning science. Scientists Bruce
Beutler and Jules Hoffmann discovered that humans are hard-wired with
special receptors that recognize foreign invaders and activate our immune
response to protect us. It’s like having a massive, protective army on
watch around the clock.

But in order to activate these sentinels, we need to supply the body with
high-quality fuel derived from natural products to feed and nourish our
very complex immune system.

Decades of science show that the active ingredients in Immune FX are
the true answer for harnessing the protective power of this ultra-potent,
anti-infection machine.

Other parents have learned the same!

"My daughter has suffered with asthma and upper respiratory infections for
years. After reading your book I was convinced this supplement would help
her. She had been very sick for weeks and had tried inhalers, nebulizers
with albuterol and every allergy pill she could take that would not make
her sleepy. I hated to see her taking these dangerous drugs. Finally she
became so desperate I got a call from her asking me to order ImmuneFX. It's
been 3 days since she started taking the pills and I just got a text from
her full of exclamation marks. She is 100% better!!!! The pills really
work, she texted me. I am so happy and I want to thank you for all the hard
work and passion you put into everything you do."

George Bond is currently the superstar here at TPC. Where most dads
cave and fail to stick up for their family, Mr. Bond looked at the tray
of vaccines and said "Hell, no." With a distraction strategy that would
make the CIA envious, he quietly got his baby out of harm's way - escaped
even without getting the birth certificate!

He's feeling pretty bad a$$.

I suspect George Bond will be showing up at the company party via
parachute, Ipad in hand finishing up some last minute work during his
freefall...Our CEO will be mixing his martini to hand Mr. Bond as he steps
out of the saltwater pool, after a spot-on landing.

Cheers Mr. Bond!

Here's to taking charge!

Save 20% now on Immune FX at

Dare to live young,

The People's Chemist

P.S. Immune FX is the most potent form of andrographis available
anywhere! It tackles all bio-nasties like flu, strep throat, allergies, psoriasis,
and more! Get it at for less that $25 bucks for the
next few hours!