Subject: Courtesy Email: 20% Off Sale Ends Today! Hurry!


At 5pm my 20% off sale of Prostate + shuts down! And since I rarely
offer any discounts, and hate lowering the prices of my products, this
offer won't come around again anytime soon...

Stock up at

Before you click there, though, you should understand why I'm
telling you to avoid prostate meds, surgery and radiation...

The short of it?

“I want to experience breast enlargement,” said no man, ever!

How about genital shrinking?

Or loss of sexual ability?!?

…I didn’t think so.

Unfortunately, these are just a few COMMON SIDE EFFECTS caused by popular
meds used for BPA (Benign Prostate Hyperplasia)…yea, those little light blue
pills doled out by your med compliant doctor who doesn’t know any better.

What is BPH?

Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia, also known as “an enlarged

It’s a man’s worst nightmare.

BPH is a condition that commonly develops as men get older. You might have
BPH if you frequently wake up at night to use the bathroom...have
difficulty peeing… experience pain during urination, dribbling,
sputtering, etc.

This condition slowly robs you of your manhood. It’s the byproduct of
years of eating poorly, engaging in detrimental lifestyle habits, and
thereby destroying your hormones.

(Don’t worry — Prostate+ is the natural solution. See

As men approach age 50, they’re more more likely to develop BPH. Once
that happens, that’s a doctor best chance to stick you on worthless BPH

But don’t fall for the prostate med trap. Prescription drugs don’t solve anything.
They often make your health worse, courtesy of side effects.

For example, the debilitating drug Proscar (finasteride), manufactured by
Merck & Company, is commonly used for BPH. But it doesn’t cure anything.

After you start taking Proscar, it’s all downhill…

Within three weeks of starting the medication, you can expect to

- Constipation
- Sore and aching muscles, starting from the neck and going down your back
- Blood pressure lowered to danger levels with occasional heart palpitations

After three months of taking this worthless drug, you’ll begin to notice:

- Breast enlargement
- Genital shrinking
- Decreased sexual ability
- Blurred vision
- Coldlike symptoms

Does that really sound like a “solution” to your prostate problem?!?

As a chemist who formerly designed drugs for Big Pharma, I saw firsthand
how drug companies simply don’t care about patients’ health…they’re
more interested in profits above all else. Anyone reading the headlines
today knows this already…And Big Pharma is perfectly OK with making and
selling prescription drugs that have the wackiest side effects because they
know people are accustomed to risking their health to be healthy, which is
just stupid.

They. Don’t. Care.

They’ll gladly sell you worthless pills, just to siphon money from you!

In fact, you’re probably already taking 2 or 3 or more prescription drugs
in orange bottles as we speak…am I right? It’s the American way! “One
Nation Under Drugs”! Your wife is probably choking down a bunch of
worthless drugs, too!

This should piss you off!

Drugs are NEVER the answer. You can't be healthy and on meds at the same

You can either be a sucker and blindly follow doctor’s orders…or you
can insist on a better way.

When I was a bench chemist for Big Pharma my first lesson was that
"we only treat symptoms." The meds were merely designed to mask
symptoms, to keep patients in a “barely alive” state.

Disgusted by Big Pharma’s unethical business model, I quit working for
the drug industry…and started “The People’s Chemist” (TPC). TPC is
dedicated to providing users with truthful, straightforward health
information that saves lives. (I like to swear and some people have called
me “offensive,” so if that’s a problem for you…hit the unsubscribe
button below...)

I don't know about you, but I'm pretty fed up with friends and family being
doped up on meds in the name of health...

As for prostate health…try my safe natural remedy, Palmetto+.

(This is a brand NEW product and I'm offering for 20% off until 5pm EST!!)

Get it at

At the very least, watch the 1-minute video to see how I designed it and
why it's better than anything your doctor can ever prescribe!

Go to

Unlike BPH drugs, Palmetto+ has ZERO side effects. It won’t rob you of
your manhood or give you man boobs. I designed Palmetto+ to have maximum
potency, and to help eliminate urination problems. It’s your #1 natural
remedy for optimal prostate health.


Dare to live young,

The People’s Chemist

P.S. Remember — you DON’T need BPH drugs for prostate enlargement. And
you definitely don’t need all the f&@king side effects that go along with
those drugs. AVOID side effects — and instead, choose Mother Nature’s
natural prostate cure. You’ll thank me later!