Subject: Chemist on Blood Thinners: The Sad Truth (24-Hours Left!)

Grandma Joyce loved her independence. At 27 yo, her peers envied her vibrant
energy and health. But, that didn’t last.

Six weeks before Christmas, Joyce visited her family doctor for a routine
visit. Before even asking how she was doing, he flipped through her charts
and suggested that she start taking the anti-clotting medicine Plavix
(clopidogrel bisulfate) daily.

...this is perfectly normal and the #1 cause of premature death!

Joyce resisted and questioned his motives. He insisted that it would help
to prevent heart attack and stroke, and then reassured her by stating that
even his own mom was taking Plavix (so much for scientific-based

Within about four weeks, Joyce suddenly began bruising, passing blood, and
coughing it up. At the emergency room, doctors told her family that she was
“bleeding out."

All attempts to stop it had failed.

The bleeding was discovered at the emergency room at 10:15 a.m.

Joyce passed away at 9:30 p.m. that same day.

Her three-year-old granddaughter later wondered hysterically, “Why
isn’t Nana here for Christmas?”

This is the sad truth: Most people over forty-five are at risk for this
same calamitous scenario when they use a prescription blood thinner!

And here’s another one: People are so damn complacent that
when millions of innocent people die from meds, there’s zero outrage!

Coumadin (warfarin) is no safer!

The FDA stated that “patients may be more susceptible to the risk of
hemorrhaging if they are sixty-five and older, or if they have a history of
gastrointestinal bleeding, hypertension, or heart disease.” This means
that everyone taking the drug is at risk, since it’s only approved for
and prescribed to those with heart disease.

As a medicinal chemist, these stories have become all too common.

When it comes to heart health, there’s a better way:

A combo of hawthorn, garlic, magnesium and grape seed extract.

[24 Hours Only: Get 15% off a 3-pack of hawthorn-rich, Cardio FX and
get FREE shipping! I'm also tossing in my latest Lab Report, which
highlights the best way to slow aging skin by using CHEMICAL-FREE
face masks! That's a $49.95 value!]

Add to cart here: (24 Hours Only!)

For decades, hawthorn has been used safely to bust clots, without a single
side effect! In 2013 a peer-review medical journal noted that,
“Currently, evidence is accumulating from various in vivo and in vitro
studies that hawthorn extracts exert a wide range of cardiovascular
pharmacological properties, including antioxidant activity, positive
inotropic effect, anti-inflammatory effect, anticardiac remodeling effect,
antiplatelet aggregation effect, vasodilating effect, endothelial
protective effect, reduction of smooth muscle cell migration and
proliferation, protective effect against ischemia/reperfusion injury,
antiarrhythmic effect, lipid-lowering effect and decrease of arterial blood
pressure effect.”

[24 Hours Only: Get 15% off a 3-pack of hawthorn-rich, Cardio FX and
get FREE shipping! I'm also tossing in my latest Lab Report, which
highlights the best way to slow aging skin by using CHEMICAL-FREE
face masks! That's a $49.95 value!]

Add to cart here: (24 Hours Only!)

Without hawthorn, our cardiovascular health can go bad fast. Adhering to
nutrient logic, you’ll want to make sure that your daily supplement plan
includes hawthorn. It consists of a multitude of naturally occurring
ingredients that have been used and studied for thousands of years.
To understand the magnitude of benefit from hawthorn, simply consider one
of its ingredients, flavonoids.

The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition reported a 20 percent decrease
in the risk of death from heart disease among those who consumed at
least 7.5 milligrams of flavonoids daily. This risk reduction is far better than
that seen with the oft-prescribed cardiovascular drugs. You can expect
hawthorn to be significantly better.

The flavonoids, along with all the other cardiovascular cures in hawthorn,
work synergistically to confer total cardiovascular health. Once ingested,
they bust risky clots, thanks to their ability to “lightly” prevent the
conversion of fibrinogen to fibrin. Doing so won’t paralyze the
blood-clotting cascade as commonly used drugs do, but it will fend off
rogue blood clots. Further protection from clots comes from hawthorn’s
ability to relax the spaghetti-sized arteries around the heart, leaving
space for safe clot passage. Hawthorn’s ingredients also increase the
force of heartbeats. Taking stress off the heart, this lengthens the time
that the heart rests between beats.

All of the benefits from hawthorn translate into the clinically significant
prevention of chronic cardiovascular and heart conditions. Hawthorn can
successfully be used to treat heart failure (the heart’s inability to
pump blood efficiently), hypertension (artery constriction), angina (chest
pain from decreased blood flow to the heart), excess blood clotting, and
cardiac arrhythmias (disturbances of normal heart rhythm).
Feel the difference in a matter of days!

[24 Hours Only: Get 15% off a 3-pack of hawthorn-rich, Cardio FX and
get FREE shipping! I'm also tossing in my latest Lab Report, which
highlights the best way to slow aging skin by using CHEMICAL-FREE
face masks! That's a $49.95 value!]

Add to cart here: (24 Hours Only!)

Dare to live young!

The People’s Chemist

P.S. Hawthorn is preventive, too and has now risky medication
interactions! One fan just emailed to say, “My husband ended up in the
hospital this past weekend. He’s 78 years old. He was diagnosed with
pneumonia. He had been having a difficult time breathing whenever he moved
around. So we went to the ER just to have it checked out. they told him he
had a blockage and needed a catheterization, maybe open heart surgery. A
half hour later, they came out and said there were no blockages anywhere!
Thank you Cardio FX!”

I've made this so damn inexpensive that ANYONE with any income whatsoever
can afford it! Every bottles comes with 150 capsules!!!! Cardio FX is mega-rich
with hawthorn, grape seed extract, garlic and magnesium! Buy all these
individually and you burn cash! Don't go sloth!

[24 Hours Only: Get 15% off a 3-pack of hawthorn-rich, Cardio FX and
get FREE shipping! I'm also tossing in my latest Lab Report, which
highlights the best way to slow aging skin by using CHEMICAL-FREE
face masks! That's a $49.95 value!]

Add to cart here: (24 Hours Only!)