Subject: ~Chemist: Your Testosterone Gels and Injections...


Listen up!

Testosterone gels and shots are not an option...

Every time you take a testosterone med…you put your health at risk.

…That’s because, over time, testosterone meds (and gels) ravage the body.
They turn you into a woman, hormonally.

In a worst case scenario…they can cause heart attacks!

At 45 years old, I've seen it happen to friends, loved ones and celebrities
who depended on TRT meds to boost muscle and shed fat...

It's all a f@#cking scam...

Researchers and the FDA found that testosterone gels DOUBLE THE RISK of
cardiovascular disease…and TRIPLE the risk of heart attacks in men.

(See the research at

As proof of this destruction…thousands of lawsuits have been filed
against testosterone drug makers.

Endo International, a drug company, had 1,300 lawsuits filed against
it…for “overmarketing their testosterone drugs and ignoring safety
risks, leading to serious health complications.”

In 2018 they settled for $200 million…AKA stuck their middle finger up at
the public.

They didn’t admit any wrongdoing.

(Of course they didn’t. What drug maker would?)

Endo is not the only one causing harm.

“AbbVie faces about 4,600 lawsuits…while Eli Lilly faces about
500. All told, the multidistrict litigation includes about 7,700
testosterone liability lawsuits,” writes FiercePharma.

That’s a lot of f#cking users being harmed by meds.

The sad part is…none of those “plaintiffs” needed to take
testosterone meds in the first place!

That’s because the body can make its own testosterone naturally…no meds

But to do that…you need to achieve a state of hormone balance, output and
sensitivity (BOS).

This “balance” of hormones all depends on the food you eat…the type
of exercise you do… and your lifestyle habits.

(If you think you can cure a lifetime of bad habits with a damn cream, gel,
or testosterone med… you’re kidding yourself.)

For men who want to get their “manhood” back without being poisoned…I
created Raw T! (

This all natural testosterone pill is NOT a drug. It’s a botanical med that
spurs your own testosterone into action.’s made with Sarsaparilla, Eurycoma Longifolia, and Fenugreek.

Best of all, Raw T is a safer alternative to meds.

Please… educate yourself on how to get your body to make its own natural
testosterone. No meds needed!

Read… and stock up at:

Stop being a “victim” to lame @ss drug companies that will never admit

Ditch the meds,

The People’s Chemist

P.S. A lawsuit won’t save your manhood. Drug companies just manipulate
the court system and “settle”…then it’s back to business as usual.

“Ditching the f#%king testosterone meds” is what will save you!

Read about Raw T, my natural testosterone primer…and try your first
bottle at: (Women can use it, too!)