Subject: Chemist: Yes, I was digging graves...

There's a really important announcement in this message.

But first, I gotta just say something.

In chemistry, we used to always say, "It only takes one person to verify
scientific method, not a democracy."

In other words, if a million people are ranting and raving that
a teaspoon of lemon juice won't cure the rising body count of scurvy, it
doesn't f@#cking matter...we (I) have the science.

...and that's exactly what Dr. James Lind did to save millions of sailors
dying from the gum bleeding, heart attack inducing disease.

In a time of rampant death among sailors, he observed that a single
teaspoon of lemon juice would STOP to the early demise of

He was ignored for 40 years.


Because people are f@#cking stupid and complacent.

They'd rather wallow in acceptance and die, than risk an alternative that
goes against the status quo.

As a young scientist, abandoning his career as a bench chemist, I
remembered Dr. Lind and the banality of his audience.

Before I set out to help people ditch their meds to live young...I had to
wake them from their slumber.

And that meant assassinating sacred cows - things that are held
as truths that cannot be attacked or altered.

I knew there was going to be blowback...mostly just people ranting and
raving that I'm a washed out, bald chemist who cusses to much and can't
write for sh#t...who has too may ugly tattoos.

All true.

But I also knew that at the very least, 1% would be looking for answers.

So, while aiming my sites at the Sacred Cows that are killing people, I
started digging shallow graves.

Now, 2019 is coming to an pen punctured their
hearts...all the graves have been filled.

...ascorbic acid isn't vitamin C.

...cholesterol lowering drugs cause dementia and Alzheimer's.

...there's no such thing as high cholesterol

...blood pressure meds are causing massive epidemics in "prescription

...aspirin will kill you long before it stops a dangerous blood clot

...Vaccines are not safe or effective and they didn't eradicate polio.

And of course, the one that people hate the most:

You don't need daily meds to live young.

There's an inexpensive alternative to every toxic med that's being shoved
down your throat.

But there's another sacred cow that needs a body bag...(I'm tired of
digging graves and I have to cook dinner tonight for the babies.)

The alternatives aren't the vitamins being pushed by the self-flattering,
aggrandizing gurus who go to all lengths to be seen on social media...

Vitamins today are toxic, man-made mimics.

And people are catching on fast!

This email is emblematic of the frustrations that come from people when
they get robbed by attention-hungry gurus:

“I have been following you for quite some time now and have been
researching supplements for years. Your article about the synthetic
vitamins really floored me and I feel like I have been ignorant for so
long...I just trashed everything that had calcium, vitamin D, or folic
acid...needless to say I’m disgusted...I also follow Mercola, Health
Ranger, and Dr. Axe and was more than shocked to find that these guys are
peddling these exact synthetic vitamin crap in their supplements...WTF!?”

He's right.

And that's where my announcement comes in.

Whew. Finally got to it. I got carried away with the grave digging. LOL

But digging graves is hard, and that's why I dug shallow ones.

With the newfound awakening among so many people trying to live young,

Immune FX.

Hormone Intelligence Therapy.

Gone. Gone. Gone.

Meanwhile, I'm very low stock on Essential Greens, Serotonin FX and
Cardio FX.

If you need to stock up go to

Also too, The FDA is looking at banning select botanical meds.

It's called 503A Bulks List.

And a new addition was made:

"Based on the results of its evaluation of nominated bulk drug substances
to date, as well as consultation with the Pharmacy Compounding Advisory
Committee (PCAC), and the United States Pharmacopoeia Convention,
Incorporated, FDA is proposing to amend the 503A Bulks List to include five
additional bulk drug substances."

On that list were many ingredients that would threaten Immune FX, Daily
Dose, Cardio FX and Hormone Intelligence Therapy.

That's what happens when you dumb down the masses for so many
generations - the government becomes their parent. Man-children
ask how to live and when to die...and what meds they can take to
drown out the confusion and worry that comes with making a decision
to live young.

If that's you, go back to sleep.

If not, stock up now at before it's too late.

Dare to live young!

The People's Chemist

P.S. Add three of the same products to your cart and get 15% off plus
FREE shipping:

P.P.S. I'm calling on the 1% to help me dig graves in 2020. Simply find
me on Instagram @ chemistdad4life and Facebook as The People's Chemist.
Coupons and vids hit there first!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
