Subject: ~Chemist: When My Daughter Decided to Drop Out of High School

When My Daughter Nearly Dropped Out of High School

When I was 18 years old, I was pretty ignorant.

I had a Mountain Dew addiction that I never questioned...

When I sneezed, my mom would load me up on antibiotics...

When I got to college, I thought I'd never pass chemistry or math...

Not surprisingly, after my first semester, my ignorance was catching up to me.

It was hard making weight for wrestling.

I started getting sick too often.

...and my grades suffered miserably.

Then I took charge. I started getting up early AF.  I started reading every book that fell on my lap and I used every office hour like it was scheduled for me...

My Chem 101 teacher was so awful, I stopped going and instead, read the book.

I only showed up on test days...and crushed it.

I learned that there's a huge difference between being taught something and learning it yourself. 

Therefore, I went rogue...kept reading and
stopped "learning from others."

This curiosity and self teaching led to jaw-dropping self-awareness...and a scholarship to graduate school in medicinal chemistry.

I teach my kids the same - learn on your own, don't let people interpret it for you!

My oldest daughter is proving the value in this...

When she was 17 years old, she nearly dropped out of high school due to the apathy and lack of leadership...But then she got serious about luxury soap...she won 6th place in The International Career Development Conference in Orlando, Florida for her devotion to soap and self-teaching!

By developing a massive "Awareness Campaign" about toxic chemicals in soap, she has helped thousands of students avoid cancer causing

Take 3 minutes to watch her story and see exactly what she is doing to save families from an onslaught of chemicals:

Such awareness is absent in only comes from self-awareness.  And while homeschooling my other 3 kids, this is the first priority:  Be a self-motivator!

As The People's Chemist, I've been preaching about ditching the meds for 20 years! 

It started by curing PRESCRIPTION BELLY - that unsightly fat that develops when you take meds!


For a very limited time, you can work directly with me at ditching your meds to get your best weight: 


Dare to live young!

The People's Chemist

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The People's Chemist, 3600 Cerrillos Dr. #301A-802, Santa Fe, New Mexico 87507, United States
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