Subject: ~Chemist: Were Your Conned By High Cholesterol?

The higher your cholesterol the longer you live.

Cholesterol is NOT a disease.

It's the basic building block of the human body.

Lower it and you die sooner.

Repeat that out loud, "Lower cholesterol and I die sooner."

Repeat that 3 more times.

Most people have been conned into believing that they have a disease...

It's a sales ploy.

Go to the doctor, he labels you sick with "high cholesterol."

The dutiful nurses calls you in a panic and acts as if you're about to
drop dead..."Please schedule a follow up immediately..."

Strange, when did that nurse ever call you to check on your diet
and exercise?

Once labeled sick with high cholesterol, your insurance company flips
the bill for meds...

Big Pharma, Wall Street and the US government all get paid.

It's the perfect crime because EVERYONES cholesterol rises as they
age! And population studies show that the higher it is, the longer you live!

Are you a chump or champ?

Did you get conned by high cholesterol?

What about aspirin?

What about blood pressure meds?

What about blood thinners?

What about all the orange bottles sitting in your cabinets?


There's a better way!

Learn how to ditch all your meds to live a healthier more active life
with Over-The-Counter Natural Cures Expanded.

You'll even learn how to beat cancer.

Invest just $12 bucks to save your life!

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Dare to wake up,

The People's Chemist

P.S. I'm not getting rich off this book! I get $1 in royalties and split that
with my agent...Take charge of your health and stop making lame a$$ excuses.
Invest just $12 bucks to save your life! Buy on Amazon at