Subject: Chemist: Vanity Fair Luxury, Anti-Viral Soap!? (PIC!)

The People's Chemist
Vanity Fair's Anti-Viral Soap, Courtesy of Lily!
Lily and Shane
When Lily was 13 I saw the signs: Bored, refused homework and questioned everything her teachers told her.

The signs were clear: She hated school.

I had to give her a real-life application. And that’s when we started making soap together.

…but, it wasn’t the cheap melt-and-pour kind, nor was it the wham-bam-thank-you-‘ma’am, hot process soap. 

I wanted to teach her soap making used by Babylonian chemists...and it required the precision of a Swiss watch maker.

“You’re too smart not to ace school…I’ll prove it to you. You’re going to learn how to make soap the hard way, and your product will be better than any medicine or vaccine ever made!” I promised.

A dad’s promise is either remembered forever, or forever used against him…

I had science on my side. And with that, we started making soap.

That was 6 years ago. And the promise held true. Just last month, her soap bars were featured in Vanity Fair…for the third month in a row!

So luxurious and healthy, Vanity Fair insisted it was "Soap you've never had before."

Rumor has it that The Kardashian's ditched their perfume line for the prized scent of Lily's handmade soap bars, spiked with organic, essential oils!

===> Get her recent Collection now by clicking here, and save huge with the extra addition of a silk robe! Can you say 'best gift in the world?'  Limited offer, obviously, as she’s not in the silk robe business, but this is for you!

Get Soap Collection here!

People typically think of soap as a smooth, foamy luxury. But from the perspective of “biological nasties,” soap is an instant death sentence. 

A single soap bubble can cause any bacteria or virus to implode. So ready for war, even The New York Times stated that soap can kill everything, “including a coronavirus.” (which was discovered in 1932)


Soaps lethality stems from its’ “hybrid personality.”
On one end, a soap molecule loves water. On the other side of its’ greasy structure it loves fat. 

That makes it double deadly. 

Once suspended into water, soap molecules attract each other like the Fighting Irish at a UFC fight. And together, they penetrate a bacterial cell wall (fatty later) or a strand of a DNA (virus) and leave one layer in the water.  
This causes undue pressure courtesy of water. Like a falling tower of Jenga pieces, the pathogens implode and break into tiny pieces.

The New York Times stressed this prowess, saying that soap can take down all “Pathogens wrapped in lipid membranes including hepatitis B and C, herpes, Ebola, Zika, dengue, and numerous bacteria that attack the intestines and respiratory tract.”

Unfortunately, soap sold in stores won’t do anything but bubble-up and mimic the real thing…or worse, give you skin cancer.

Today’s soaps are loaded with preservatives, curing agents, perfumes and dyes…good luck!

The SOLUTION: Get Lily’s latest Collection and pamper your skin while also saving huge with her company robe! Limited stock, CLICK HERE.

Last Day for OFFER!  LIMITED SUPPLY! After all, we are a family that can't make huge quantities like the corporate robots at Amazon! LOL.  Get Your order here!

Dare to Live Young,

The People’s Chemist

P.S. Want to boost your own immune system in a matter of 3 days?  See
The People's Chemist, 3600 Cerrillos Dr. #301A-802, Santa Fe, New Mexico 87507, United States
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