Subject: ~Chemist: The Vaccine is Coming!

The Vaccine Is Coming...

By: The People's Chemist


From Shane “The People’s Chemist” Ellison, M.S.

- Bachelor’s degree in biology
- Master’s degree in organic chemistry

- Abandoned his career as a pharmaceutical chemist

- Helps people ditch their meds to live young

- Author of 3 Worst Meds & more


It's a new kind war and most people have nothing to fight back with...

That's because the enemy is invisible (a so-called virus) and the weapons are propaganda.

But if you pay attention, you have one the most powerful weapon to fight back - your health!

Dr. Fauci, with the backing up The Gates Foundation, is pushing for a new vaccine....

"The idea of having a vaccine by the end of the year is 'aspirational, but it’s certainly doable,'" said the immunologist who every obedient, willfully ignorant, American hangs on like a drunk at a bar...

Not for me...I demand science, before propaganda.  

That doesn't make me an anti-vaccine nut.  It just makes me smart - anti-stupid.

Let's be real.

Most “research” is paid for by the vaccine industry, which profits every time someone is jabbed with a shot.

The up and coming Coronavirus vaccine by Moderna is no exception. And the Pharma funded CDC will of course support it, since the bulk of their money comes from Moderna and its parent company, Merck. The CDC will use that money to buy the “best science.”

Even today, the majority of papers published by the CDC come from ghostwriters. Doctors listed their names as authors, in exchange for payment, yet they didn’t actually pen a single word of these papers. And more frustrating, many of the studies suffered from flawed designs by never having a vaccine-free placebo against which to compare the treated group.

When I hear things from pediatricians like, “Doctors have spent years learning their craft to honestly help your children, not harm!” I knew this was factually impossible, thanks to pharmaceutical corruption and greed that publishes the majority of vaccine science.

To my dismay, Ive also learned that clever, ambitious individuals always get ahead in the pharmaceutical industry. They multiply their wealth by taking advantage of people’s lack of scientific understanding and willful ignorance.

In time, these vermin use their massive profits to burrow into the rotten wood of government. They make laws and regulations that favor their own kind, even at great cost to patients...and children.

As they spawn and multiply like a cancer, Pharma’s army takes over the media and the regulatory agencies set up to protect us from their ilk.

Welcome to Coronavirus, USA.

Fortunately, natural immunity and soap can protect you!

Want to avoid a virus and protect your family from having to go to the hospital in these eery times?? 

=====> Get outside, be with your loved ones, get sunshine, take Immune FX:

----> A virus only becomes deadly — like polio — when you live in filth and destroy your body so much that viruses begin to thrive off of your own cells. 

Obvious, Immune FX sales are at an all-time high. I can’t keep up with product inventory.

Learn more at 

Dare to live young,

The People’s Chemist

The People's Chemist, 3600 Cerrillos Dr. #301A-802, Santa Fe, New Mexico 87507, United States
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