Subject: ~Chemist: The TRUTH About CBD!

The Truth About CBD!
(Straight talk Vol. 5!)


From Shane “The People’s Chemist” Ellison, M.S.

- Bachelor's degree in biology

- Master’s degree in organic chemistry

- Abandoned his career as a pharmaceutical chemist

- Helps people ditch their meds to live young

- Author of 3 Worst Meds & more


...I never intended to become The People's Chemist.

I went to school on a wrestling scholarship and coincidently excelled in math and science. My main goal was to become a medicinal chemist for Big Pharma. 

While doing so, I won a few awards and accolades, then became a top pharmaceutical recruit...  

Dream job landed.

I didn't stay.

I couldn’t bend my ethics enough.

Sure, I wanted to stay in the lab…It was my oasis, far away from the everyday drivel, especially the “Vitamin Warriors!”

...these people drive me nuts. Especially when it comes to CBD.

A Vitamin Warrior is someone who loves being spoon-fed facts from Google University. Starving for knowledge, they believe anything and everything served to their banal minds from the highly censored search engine.

They're known to wear man-buns, drink kombucha on tap and get offended when you say, "Yoga is boooriiiing!"

Vitamin Warriors are scientifically anorexic. And they’re everywhere, pushing the latest fads.

Especially when it comes to CBD.

"My aunts brother's best friend cured his dog's cancer with CBD..."

"Studies prove that it can cure your wine from giving you a hangover!" (Overheard on a Joe Rogan Podcast...)

...what is really going on with CBD?

What about hemp CBD?

Marijuana CBD?

As The People’s Chemist (TPC), my corner of the landscape is decidedly rogue, sometimes shadowy, and far less glamorous. 

I could eat Vitamin Warriors for breakfast and send their families Christmas cards without a care in the world...

I don’t do interviews, podcasts or travel to glamorous places to give talks. Most of my followers are hit with shock, realizing they made a fatal miscalculation by following someone like me who doesn’t care what people think.

But, I continue to bring Straight talk! 

Straight talk 5 just hit the press!

And it uncovers THE TRUTH ABOUT CBD!  Learn everything you need to know about CBD, medicinal marijuana and
what to use, what not to use and how to pick the best products!

Get it FREE when you stock up on your favorite products at

Hurry!  Offer won't last!

I'm sooooo excited about Straight Talk 5 that I bragged about it on Instagram (chemistdad4life) and then got put in "social media jail." That means my account goes dark
for new search engine showing and my ads got blocked.  


Meanwhile, stock up today and get The Truth About CBD for FREE:

Dare to live young!

The People's Chemist

The People's Chemist, 3600 Cerrillos Dr. #301A-802, Santa Fe, New Mexico 87507, United States
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