Subject: Chemist: The Last and Final Word on Coronavirus You Must READ!

Chemist: Coronavirus a Money Maker Not a Threat

From the desk of: The People's Chemist

- Bachelor's degree in biology
- Master's degree in organic chemistry
- Abandoned his former career as a pharmaceutical chemist
- Help's people
 ditch the meds to live a healthier, more active life
- Author of 3 Worst Meds, Over-The-Counter Natural Cures and more...

- 25 years as medicinal chemist

Private corporations are pros at siphoning tax dollars from the government
- especially in the name of vaccines or vaccine research. Think “Mexican
government pays construction company to build bridge over Mexican
ditch.” It’s a white collar, criminal charade to steal billions in
taxpayer funds.

This scheme started with polio scare of 1950, courtesy of The March of
Dimes. As rates of polio plummeted due to better hygiene and sanitation,
The March of Dimes conditioned the public to fear the paralyzing illness.
Then, they garnered millions in tax money to “vaccinate” the public at
local schools and libraries. It was the perfect heist..and still is.

Most recently, it was the Zika virus hysteria in 2016. That culminated in
“The Obama Administration pressing Congress for $1.9 billion to combat
Zika.” In the end, there was no Zika threat, nor was there any research
done. But there was a huge payout that has since gone unaccounted for.

Coronavirus is no different. Same hysteria, different disease. It’s
just much bigger thanks to a much larger world government leveraging the
same business model. Fact is, there is no new risk to coronavirus, or any
derivative there of…

Right now, your body is fighting off hundreds, thousands, or maybe hundreds
of thousands of viral and bacterial infections, all of which are unseen. To
rant and rave or be fearful about a single, fictional “threat” hyped by
the media for profit reflects your ignorance, confusion, fear…or all

Coronavirus is akin to the flu virus and the common cold. It was
discovered in the 1930s. Today, most every animal and human is carrying it,
usually in the nose. And there are many varieties, but none are of any real
threat. The reported deaths are nothing more than fake news being pumped
out by ad agencies worldwide, bought and paid for by Big Pharma. In
reality, any death to the supposed virus is simply elderly people dying of
flu, pneumonia or any other viral infection…or even not at all. The
media lies.

So remember, Using fear to promote vaccines is a common pharmaceutical
business model — just like ZIKA, SARS, EBOLA, swine flu, bird flu, and
the measles. That’s because vaccines are the among the most profitable
“medications” worldwide.

For every dollar invested into vaccines, the net return is $44. Four
companies own 85% of this market (CDC and the Bill and Melinda Gates
Foundation are the biggest investors), and make $35 billion in profits,
thanks to:

1. Mandated vaccines, despite no proof of safety or efficacy

2. No government oversight

3. Laws that prevent parents from suing

4. Mass hysteria spread by media

5. Willful ignorance among parents

The current coronavirus scare will soon be met with a highly profitable
vaccine. Or huge sums of tax dollars will be sent to private firms in the
name of “research.” Ignore these facts and you’re more likely to fall
victim to vaccine side effects. That’s the real danger, not coronavirus.

Turn off the news, return to your life, and go live young. If you’re
concerned about immunity, then boost your immune system naturally
with But, you don't need to buy it for Coronavirus
or any fake derivative, whatsoever!

Dare to Live Young!

The People's Chemist

P.S. Low Stock Alert on Thermo FX, Immune FX and Joint FX!
Stock up at

P.P.S. Coronavirus-induced imbecility is at an all time high! This weekend, wrestling
tournament organizers announced, "no hand shaking" before matches...and
prayed that Jesus would protect them from the infection. This is an all new low in
stupidity, wrestling and religion. Proof that ignorance spreads 10,000%
faster than any virus. Please have some pride in your intelligence, read
3 Worst Meds at