Subject: ~Chemist: That New Aspirin Film (Step Into My Office...)

25 years as a chemist and the world is just becoming more medicated.

It's a problem that goes virtually ignored...yet, just today in the NY Times,
it was highlighted that "viruses used in the oral vaccine itself have mutated
into a form that can be passed on in diapers and sewage, and can paralyze
unvaccinated children."

The solution proposed by Big Pharma?

More vaccines!

Meanwhile, the body count just keeps rising!

...and people continue to choke down their meds and line up for shots.



And to better understand it, you need to understand how aspirin has
been pushed to the masses for more than a 100 years.

Come into my office, my plane and my library to for 8 minutes to
see the injustice that's currently medicating your friends and family
to death:

Oh yea, notice my new, official TPC shirt!


Dare to live young!

The People's Chemist

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