Subject: ~Chemist: Stop Lying About Vaccines!

In 1960 an average of three vaccines were given to children. By 1983 this
number shot up 800% to 24 doses! Today it’s a staggering 49 doses of 14
different vaccines, as recommended by the Centers for Disease Control and
Prevention (CDC). That’s three times more than any other industrialized
nation! And it’s exposing children to a massive amount of toxins that
every parent should be aware of.

Regardless, the pharmaceutically compliant media is hell-bent on
labeling anyone who questions their medicine as non-vaxxers. Forward
thinking isn't being non-anything. It's called being logical. If we blindly
accept that "vaccines are safe and effective," then there's no limiting
the number of jabs we give our kids. As a chemist and father, questioning
vaccines makes perfect sense!

Common vaccine ingredients include lab-derived chemicals, heavy metals, and
allergens—as well as the very objectionable monkey kidney cells (Vero
cells) and aborted fetal tissue. Sorry, but I have no interest in
mainlining these toxic substances into my vulnerable children in the name
of “prevention.”

Formaldehyde is just one of many questionable chemicals found in vaccines.
According to the FDA, “Excessive exposure to formaldehyde may cause
cancer.” To date, childhood cancer rates like leukemia are skyrocketing
along with the number of formaldehyde-rich vaccines.

The industry covers up this risk by assuring parents that formaldehyde is
naturally produced by the body and that it’s completely safe. This is
nothing more than hot air—it offers absolutely zero proof of safety and
is a total injustice to vulnerable young children. Just because your body
produces something doesn’t mean you can drink it, eat it, or inject it.
It’s completely asinine to think otherwise.

For example, the body produces hydrochloric acid (HCL) for digestion. The
stomach produces epithelial cells that churn out bicarbonate to neutralize
the acerbic compound. Drinking it, eating it, or injecting it would be
life-threatening—just like stabbing yourself with formaldehyde can cause
leukemia or other forms of cancer years later.

The National Toxicology Program and Department of Health and Human Services
countered the absurdity of insisting formaldehyde is safe. In their report
to doctors, they stated, “Formaldehyde is known to be a human carcinogen
based on sufficient evidence of carcinogenicity from studies in humans and
supporting data on mechanisms of carcinogenesis." (1)

Another deadly player in the cocktail of chemical preservatives in vaccines
is 2-phenoxyethanol. The FDA warns: “It can depress the central nervous
system and may cause vomiting and diarrhea, which can lead to dehydration
in infants.” The Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) cautions that the
vaccine additive is: “Very hazardous in case of skin contact (irritant),
of ingestion, of inhalation.”

Singling out the common preservatives used today, The Medical Science
Monitor highlighted to doctors, “None of the compounds commonly used as
preservatives in US licensed vaccine/biological preparations can be
considered an ideal preservative, and their ability to fully comply with
the requirements of the US Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) for
preservatives is in doubt.” Adding to the assault, mercury toxicity is
lurking nearby in select shots via thimerosal.(2)

Thimerosal is a mercury-containing organic compound (i.e., a preservative)
that serves as an antiseptic and antifungal agent. It’s used in vaccines
as a way of safeguarding against vial contamination. But is it safe for
humans to inject into their bodies?

The Centers of Disease Control (CDC) and the FDA insist that thimerosal is
safe when used in doses found in vaccines. Taking a pragmatic approach over
a scientific one, the status quo insists, “The active form of mercury in
vaccines is different than that found in contaminated fish,” and “only
in trace amounts.” True. But both forms are toxic.

You can’t make informed decisions about thimerosal based on these
ridiculous statements. Parents who do are in for a wake-up call. A lifetime
of unimaginable pain, suffering, isolation, and madness are lurking nearby
for those who choose to play roulette with the silvery sludge.

On January 5, 1982, the FDA published its notice of proposed rule-making
regarding thimerosal. Their scientific panel’s opinions and
recommendations were the culmination of five years of research concerning
the potential hazards and safety of thimerosal. Published in the Federal
Register, the panel concluded that, “thimerosal was significantly more
toxic for living tissue than it was for the bacteria it was supposed to

If you read the vaccine package inserts, the danger of thimerosal becomes
even more apparent. The DPT (diphtheria, pertussis, and tetanus) vaccine
maker Sanofi Pasteur warned, “A review by the Institute of Medicine (IOM)
found evidence for a causal relation between tetanus toxoid and both
brachial neuritis and Guillain-Barré syndrome [pain and loss of nerve and
motor function].”

Certain negative outcomes from the Tripedia vaccine for DTaP (which is rich
in thimerosal) are so frequent that the manufacturer had to list them in a
public warning:

• Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS)
• Anaphylactic reaction
• Cellulitis (a bacterial skin infection)
• Autism
• Convulsion/Seizures
• Brain dysfunction
• Low muscle tone and strength
• Nerve damage
• Hyperventilation/apnea

In his extremely well-researched book Thimerosal: Let The Science Speak:
The Evidence Supporting the Immediate Removal of Mercury—a Known
Neurotoxin—from Vaccines, Robert F. Kennedy Jr. showed “there’s
more global scientific muscle power than what it took to build the space
station proving that thimerosal is ruining the health of our nation.”

Thimerosal has an evil twin, making the combo more dangerous than the
individual ingredients. Accompanying mercury is aluminum. Brought to the
attention of doctors by Nature, evidence from the Journal of Exposure
Science and Environmental Epidemiology found that both thimerosal at small
concentrations and aluminum are neurotoxic.(3)

The journal insisted, “In this regard, aluminum adsorbed vaccines caused
a transient rise in brain tissue of mice. Indeed, in vitro work showed that
adjuvant-Al [aluminum] at levels comparable to those administered to adults
can kill motor neurons.” The outcome was neurotoxicity, which leads to a
higher risk of receiving special education services and nerve cell
deterioration, causing memory loss and possibly dementia later in life.
In Current Medicinal Chemistry, scientists warned that despite 90 years
of widespread use of aluminum adjuvants, “their precise mechanism of
action remains poorly understood.” Digging deeper into aluminum toxicity,
they showed that aluminum presented in vaccines “carries a risk for
autoimmunity, long-term brain inflammation and associated neurological
complications and may thus have profound and widespread adverse health
consequences. The widely accepted notion of aluminum adjuvant safety does
not appear to be firmly established in the scientific literature and, as
such, this absence may have lead to an erroneous conclusions regarding the
significance of these compounds in the etiologies of many common
neurological disorders.”(4)

The assault from chemical threats isn’t the only concern. Many vaccines
are spiked with antibiotics like neomycin, polymyxin B, streptomycin, and
gentamicin—all of which can set off allergic reactions and threaten liver
and kidney health.

These were some damn good reasons for my wife and I to avoid vaccinating
our kids. Doctors still insist that the benefits outweigh these toxicity
risks. But that would only be true if vaccination offered guaranteed
immunization. It doesn’t. That said, why would anyone risk exposing their
kids to toxins when there’s no guaranteed benefit— especially when
natural immunity is available to protect you as outlined in my book, 3
Worst Meds (!

Dare to live young,

The People's Chemist

P.S. Forward to your email list!

Here are your references


(1)  14th Report on Carcinogens. U.S. Department of Health and Human
Services released the 14th Report on Carcinogens on November 3, 2016.
(2)  Geier DA, Jordan SK, Geier MR. The relative toxicity of compounds
used as preservatives in vaccines and biologics. Medical Science Monitor.
2010 May;16(5):SR21-7.
(3) José G Dórea and Rejane C Marques. Infants’ exposure to aluminum
from vaccines and breast milk during the first 6 months. Journal of
Exposure Science and Environmental Epidemiology. 2010, 20, 598–601.