Subject: ~Chemist: Side Effect of This Heart Cure!!

Initially, I designed my hawthorn-rich, Cardio FX for pilots. As a fellow airman,
I understood that pilots needed to control blood pressure and increase oxygen
absorption without meds.

Cardio FX became the go-to, "heart cure."

Any prescription med that lowers blood pressure also decreases reaction time,
causes weight gain and also increases your risk for Type II diabetes and

These side-effects have been known to ruin aviation careers.

In the last decade, I've had the honor of watching Cardio FX save careers
of great pilots!

Loaded with hawthorn, magnesium, garlic and grape seed extract, Cardio FX
strengthens the heart, lowers blood pressure, busts unruly
blood clots and increases oxygen and nutrient distribution!

It's a wonder pill for pilots, and anyone else who wants a healthy, robust
cardiovascular system.

I'm not the only one celebrating Cardio FX.

I just got this from a current fan:

"I started out by just adhering to a good diet. I began to work out at the
gym, too, with low impact exercises when able - but my BP continued to
slowly rise.  Hitting 160-165/105-112.  I knew I had to do something. 
My health and job were both at jeopardy! And my next work physical was
"Reading from the internet about cures for BP, I tried Beet Juice/tablets,
potassium tablets and the list goes on without any real measurable
"Then I located an article on the web about The Peoples Chemist.  What a
life and job saver that was. I purchased your book “Over-The-Counter
Natural Cures” from the local book store. Downloaded your $1.41 Cleanse
Cheat Sheet (completed 3 cleansings to date), Downloaded your 18-Min
Workout, still on the {Starter} workout due to my lower back but improving.
And finally have been on your Cardio FX for two weeks now, taking 3
capsules at wake up and 3 at night."
"The result: now 196 lbs, BP 130-133/80-86.  Since monitoring I don’t
ever remember my BP that low, and with only 1 side effect – I FEEL
"I plan on going another week on this schedule, then possibly working on
lowering the dosage of Cardio FX slowly to see how low of a dosage I can go
while maintaining a good healthy BP. And the 18-Min Workout 2-4 times a
"Thank you so very much for saving my career and making me feel younger."
That came from Greg....

He's pretty happy with "the one side-effect."

So harmless, Cardio FX also has ZERO risky medication interactions!

Writing for the peer-reviewed medical journal, Pharmacognosy Reviews,
scientists wrote that not a single study has ever found any single issue
"regarding herb/drug interactions."

Protect your cardiovascular system now at

Dare to live young!

The People's Chemist

P.S. Cardio FX is flying out of the warehouses...We ship from LA and
Chicago for fast delivery! But when we are out, we are out! So
be patient! Avoid running out with a 3-pack and get 15% off and FREE
shipping when you order more than $200! See