Subject: ~Chemist Report: What is The American Medical Association (AMA)?

As a medicinal chemist for Big Pharma, I had to know who I was
making "meds" for...After di

Founded in 1847, the American Medial Association (AMA) set out to
“promote the art and science of medicine for the betterment of public
health.” But the benevolent veil is wafer thin. The AMA has relentlessly
hounded alternative medicines and therapies, forcing them out of business
or keeping them at the margins. It has ignored good health and prevention
in favor of pushing less safe and less effective—though more
profitable—treatments, primarily surgery and drugs. And some startling
facts show that it has done all of this at the expense of our health and
that of the environment.

The Rise of AMA Tyranny

In the beginning, there was natural healing—botanical, Chinese, eclectic,
homeopathic, nutritional and Native American medicine, as well as
chiropractic, to name just a few. But in the eyes of the AMA, that was too
much competition. It had to be minimized, which meant removing the glut of
choices so that only AMA-approved treatments could be positioned as the
cure-alls they are considered today.

Early on there were skeptics. In 1833, the New York Evening Star wrote:
“Medicine [allopathic], like every useful science, should be thrown open
to the observation and study of all.… We should at once explode the whole
machinery of mystification and concealment—wigs, gold canes and the
gibberish of prescriptions—which serves but as a cloak to ignorance and
legalized murder.” But over time, the AMA mystification proved too
complex, while the public ultimately relinquished control and became guinea
pigs, which AMA doctors could use to “practice” allopathic medicine.

From their early vision of a one-size-fits-all medicine, in 1904 the AMA
established the Committee on Medical Education (which later became the
Council on Medical Education). Without government intervention, they
singlehandedly used this branch to standardize medical education in America
under their belief system, which was hailed as a “scientific
breakthrough” with all others labeled “quackery, charlatanism or, at
best, alternative medicine.”

In 1910, with support from John D. Rockefeller and the Carnegie Foundation
for the Advancement of Teaching, the AMA funded Abraham Flexner with a
grant to travel with the secretary of the AMA Council on Medical Education
to medical schools then in existence. This pushed medical education to the
forefront of America’s public health agenda. The project resulted in
Flexner’s famous report, “Medical Education in the United States and
Canada,” which became a catalyst for a historic shift in thinking, which
ultimately positioned their medical ideals as scientifically superior to
all others. The birth of the AMA tyranny, known technically as
“allopathic medicine,” was officially born—and surgery, vaccines and
drugs became the primary health option for Americans.

Medical schools were forced to comply with the new standards—by removing
other modes of healing from their curriculum—or lose AMA support. Under
these restrictions, their numbers dwindled from more than 400 US medical
schools in the 19th century to 148 by 1910 and just 76 by 1930.

This was defended by the AMA in a phone interview with Robert Mills, who
showed that, “The medical education system churned out an overproduction
of uneducated and ill-trained medical practitioners, who in general
practiced with “an absolute disregard for the public welfare and without
any serious thought of the interests of the public. Flexner noted that
there were five times as many U.S. physicians in proportion to population
than in European nations such as Germany. What drove this oversupply was
commercial exploitation by a large number of schools whose mission was
profit, not education. For these diploma mills, the expense of setting up a
laboratory to aid didactic instruction took away from the bottom line, and
the quality of education suffered as a result.”

The Allopathic Occult

With all competition weakened or removed starting in 1910, the AMA quickly
established a “knowledge monopoly” in medicine, primarily with the
intentional use of Latin bio-babble. The AMA Council on Medical Education
published the first edition of Essentials of an Acceptable Medical College,
revised eight times over the next 41 years from 1910, to be superseded by
the Functions and Structure of a Modern Medical School.This successfully
gave rise to a gap in scientific literacy, which removed health education
from the reach of the layman and placed it into the self-serving hands of
the AMA, and their “approved” medical schools. It paved the way for the
allopathic, drug model of healing, which was to benefit AMA supporters John
D. Rockefeller and the Carnegie Foundation via their interests in chemical
manufacturer IG Farben—infamous for its manufacture of Zyklon B, a
pesticide used for human extermination in the gas chambers of Nazi death
camps during the Holocaust.

Attacks on Chiropractic

With the dwindling of all other forms of medicine, only chiropractic
remained a challenge. In an effort to suffocate the profits of that
industry, AMA secretary Morris Fishbein led an anti-chiropractic campaign
in medical journals and public media. He portrayed them as members of an
unscientific cult—caring about nothing but money—despite
chiropractic’s proven health benefits. The war against chiropractic
continued into 1987 when, in the case of Wilk v. American Medical
Association, the AMA was found guilty under the Sherman Antitrust Act of
conspiring to destroy the profession of chiropractic. But the AMA’s
propaganda campaign has had staying power. Chiropractic is still reeling
from bad press and is seen by many as quackery.

As of 1992, AMA’s official stance on chiropractic is that, “It is
ethical for a physician to associate professionally with chiropractors
provided that the physician believes that such association is in the best
interests of his or her patient. A physician may refer a patient for
diagnostic or therapeutic services to a chiropractor permitted by law to
furnish such services whenever the physician believes that this may benefit
his or her patient. Physicians may also ethically teach in recognized
schools of chiropractic.”

To this day, there is no opposition to the allopathic occult. The Journal
of the American Medical Association admitted as much when it published a
2004 article by Andrew Beck, which stated that “all accredited US medical
schools strive to apply Flexner’s ‘uniformly arduous and expensive’
brand of medical education…” And the monopoly is fully supported by the
Food and Drug Administration (FDA), the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) and
even mandated by the US court system, as seen by the myriad charges against
parents who opt out of vaccines, psychiatric meds, surgery or traditional
chemotherapy for their children. “As long as science shows these to have
public health value,” the AMA insisted that they, “endorse mandating
certain medical treatments.”

A Drug-Addicted Nation

Prescription drugs have become more popular than McDonald’s hamburgers.
In 2008, there were 3.9 billion prescriptions written—about 14 per
American—compared to 560 million Big Macs sold—just two per American.
Drug spending is projected to top $445.9 billion by the year 2012. This
drug addiction is the result of two tactics designed to spread AMA’s
beloved allopathic “scientific breakthroughs” to hundreds of millions.

The first tactic is the creation of mini-sagas culminating in a miracle
answer: drugs. This is direct-to-consumer (DTC) advertising, and one of the
most potent ways to get unsuspecting patients to ask their doctors if a
drug is “right for” them. Whether you’re reading a magazine, watching
television or listening to the radio, it is guaranteed that you’ll be
bombarded by these types of slick drug ads. No surprise, the concept of DTC
ads was created by the AMA, FDA and the Pharmaceutical Manufacturers
Association. Officially, this was done as a means of “promoting health
awareness among consumers to ensure their health and safety.”
Unofficially, it was done to sell more drugs under the medical umbrella of
allopathic medicine.In a 2010 American Association of Retired Persons
(AARP) survey, 90 percent of respondents said they had seen a drug ad, 10
percent asked their doctor for the drug, of which two-thirds received
either a prescription or a sample. Former US Senate Majority Leader, Bill
Frist (R-Tennessee), is seen in the film, Big Bucks, Big Pharma, clearly
identifying the DTC advertising threat: “Let there be no mistake: drug
advertisements fuel America’s skyrocketing prescription drug costs. They
influence consumer behavior. And they influence physician behavior. They
cause more people to take prescription drugs. They create an artificial

In defense of my claim, the AMA insisted that they are strictly against
today’s rampant DTC advertising, but that they do support it when the ads
satisfy AMA accepted policies, which ultimately help to, “improve the
communication of health information; enhance the patient-physician
relationship; and contain accurate and reasonable information on risks,
precautions, adverse reactions, and costs.”

Billing Code Extortion

The second tactic, standardized billing codes, is much more clandestine.
The AMA isn’t dependent on membership to flex their allopathic muscles
among doctors. Members or not, physicians who accept insurance or Medicare
are forced to prescribe drugs for payment via billing codes—known as
Current Procedural Terminology (CPT)—established by the AMA as a
“universal language” to help practitioners communicate to insurers. A
matrix of slick computer technology, CPT codes are matched to AMA-approved
treatments—generally prescription drugs—and thus don’t allow for
payment toward preventive, complementary or alternative medicine. Though,
the AMA insists that any organization can begin “providing their own

CPT codes are the result of a covert agreement between the AMA and the US
government’s Health Care Financing Administration (HCFA). The long-secret
agreement was exposed in 1997. The US Court of Appeals, Ninth Circuit,
ruled that the AMA’s exclusivity agreement with HCFA for using CPT code
“gave the AMA a substantial and unfair advantage over its competitors”
and “constituted a misuse of the copyright by the AMA.” But the codes
are still in full force. In 2009, the AMA made $70 million in revenue
courtesy of physicians using their payment codes.

Payment codes coupled with DTC advertising ensures that the masses are
hypnotized into a prescription drug addiction, in the name of health. But
it’s health in name only. Americans are sick, sick, sick. The United
States ranks 12th among the top 13 countries in the ill health of its
citizens—at least 80 percent of seniors have at least one chronic disease
and 50 percent have at least two. Relative to children in other
industrialized countries, the health of US children is worse in virtually
every category. But more worrisome than declining health is the overt
toxicity of using drugs as prescribed by doctors. And until the AMA puts a
stop to it, they are just as much an accomplice as the industry making the

Doctors of Death

You don’t have to dig deep to know that allopathic medicine has become
risky as hell. A Levitra ad recently showed me that a drug-induced erection
may be accompanied by blindness. That’s serious. My college roommate used
party drugs that were more fun—with half the side effects—and he had to
buy them illegally. Yet, following doctor’s orders has become synonymous
with danger.

Legal drugs prescribed through the wisdom of allopathic medicine kill an
estimated 105,000 people per year. That equates to one individual dying
about every five minutes from an “approved” drug—almost 300 deaths
daily—that is, twice as many fatalities in a single year from approved
drugs as the total number of US deaths (58,000) from the nine-year Vietnam
War. And this does not include the 98,000 killed every year by physician
medical error.

Illicit drugs, on the other hand, directly and indirectly kill an estimated
17,000 people annually. Paradoxically, the US government spends nearly $50
billion every year to “fight a war” against illicit drugs in an effort
to ameliorate this death toll. Yet America’s more deadly allopathic drug
problem continues to be ignored.

If not killed, an estimated two million people are victims of
prescription-drug-induced illnesses, according to the New England Journal
of Medicine. These include drug-induced obesity, diabetes, cancer, kidney
disease, autism, depression and heart failure, as well as the super-bug
phenomena that is sweeping the nation due to overuse of antibiotics. This
troubling trend is ignored by lazy thinking and myopic physicians who
dismiss the symptoms as “worsening health.”

Then there are the staggering hospital-death numbers. Even the AMA’s own,
probably conservative, statistics paint a bleak picture. They show that
more than 12,000 people are killed every year by unnecessary surgeries.
About 7,000 die from hospital medication errors. And 20,000 more lose their
lives thanks to non-medication-related hospital-staff mistakes.

Environmental Evils

Besides making us sicker in many cases, allopathic medicine—with its
reliance on chemical drugs—also harms the ecology. Realizing that
prevention in most cases can eliminate the need for prescription drugs, and
that many are counterproductive to our overall health, the negative
environmental impact of their widespread use is even more troubling.

Pharmaceutical manufacturing plants expend energy and release toxic
wastewater. Their global shipments create a large carbon footprint. And
vast quantities of their products pass through our bodies—or are flushed
down toilets—and end up in our rivers, lakes and groundwater. Health
facilities alone flush an estimated 250 million pounds of drugs annually. A
2008 Associated Press investigation discovered “a vast array of
pharmaceuticals including antibiotics, anti-convulsants, mood stabilizers
and sex hormones… in the drinking-water supplies of at least 41 million

While allopathic medicine has become a disaster for both the environment
and many individuals, the AMA, US government and the drug-giant descendants
that have grown from IG Farben continue to amass huge sums of wealth at
their expense. As long as the AMA holds the medical monopoly and refuses to
act against the atrocity, this holocaustic trend will continue. Every man,
woman and child will become enslaved by surgery, vaccines, drugs and more
drugs, or whatever else the AMA chooses to label a “scientific
breakthrough.” And ecosytems, waterways and aquifers worldwide will
continue to be fouled by the chemical pollutants flowing from both the
manufacture and use of pharmaceuticals.

About This Article

My name is Shane Ellison. I abandoned my former career as a pharmaceutical chemist to help people ditch their meds so they could live a healthier, more active lifestyle. Get
my 3 Worst Meds Fact Sheet FREE at www.thepeopleschemist.come