Subject: ~Chemist Report: This Works Better Than Diabetic Meds!

From Shane “The People’s Chemist” Ellison, M.S.

- Bachelor's degree in biology

- Master’s degree in organic chemistry

- Former pharmaceutical chemist

- Helps people ditch their meds to live young

- Author of 3 Worst Meds & more
- Do not care what you think LOL (just sayin')


When it comes to anti-diabetic drugs, your doctor can choose from a host of
options or prescribe multiple types of medications known collectively as

Most popular are Avandia (rosiglitazone maleate), Actos
(pioglitazone hydrochloride), Januvia, Glucophage (metformin
hydrochloride), and Glucotrol (glipizide).

While they might lower blood sugar levels by 15 percent to 20 percent,
this effect doesn’t translate into health for diabetics. Quite the opposite,
this drop in blood sugar results in early death!

Read that again before you go on…a drop in blood sugar caused by meds
results in death, not health!

In a press release issued by the Department of Health and Human Services,
the U.S. government alerted the public about the hypoglycemic risk:
“Intensively targeting blood sugar [with hypoglycemics] to near- normal
levels in adults with Type II diabetes at especially high risk for heart
attack and stroke does not significantly reduce the risk of major
cardiovascular events, such as fatal or nonfatal heart attacks or stroke,
but increases risk of death, compared to standard treatment.”

The disturbing news came from the ACCORD (Action to Control Cardiovascular
Risk in Diabetes Study Groups) study. The results were published in the New
England Journal of Medicine and showed that those taking drugs like Avandia
or Glucophage experienced the greatest drop in blood sugar and also

The most prominent cause of premature death among medication users was:
obesity, heart attack, heart failure, and rigor mortis caused by the
buildup of lactic acid, which is a common outcome among medication users.
You can avoid all of that and get your energy back with Cinnergy

As a medicinal chemist, I formulated Cinnergy to combat sugar while helping
you feel great! More focus, more energy and no more death blows caused by
high glucose, triglycerides and A1C!

You shouldn’t be surprised that nature has the best medicine for sugar

All of today’s blockbusters have natural roots. Painkillers, blood pres-
sure meds, anticancer drugs, and even the particularly nasty cholesterol-
lowering drugs are nothing more than copycats of Mother Nature.

Using natural product screening, chemists have discovered that cinnamon and
milk thistle (found in successfully lowers blood
sugar, triglycerides, and A1C levels while increasing insulin
sensitivity—and without a single negative side effect.

Richard Anderson, PhD, a researcher with the U.S. Department of
Agriculture, has studied the anti-diabetic effects of cinnamon for twenty
years, along with more than fifty other natural products. Nothing
outperformed the tasty spice in increasing insulin sensitivity!

In one of the most well-known studies, sixty insulin-resistant patients
were given 1, 3, or 6 grams of true medicinal cinnamon
( per day and were compared to control subjects who
received a placebo. The placebo group’s blood sugar levels did not
change. But the researchers found that the cinnamon group’s blood sugar
dropped, on average, from 208 mg/dL to 156mg/dL!

Even the lowest amount of cinnamon (less than half a teaspoon) was shown to
reduce blood sugar by 20 percent. These findings have been supported by
other well-designed human studies.

The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition showed that taking 6 grams of
cinnamon with meals lowered blood sugar twice as much within ninety
minutes, as compared to meals without cinnamon.

Anyone NOT using Cinnergy ( to tackle sugar woes is
just waiting for trouble…I can’t feel sorry for these people.

Writing for Phytomedicine, researchers found that the active ingredient
cinnamaldehyde caused blood sugar to dive by as much as 63 percent!
This was accompanied by a beneficial drop in the ageaccelerating process
known as glycation (as shown by A1C blood tests) and the formation of the
sugary rich, triglyceride molecules.

Cinnamon doesn’t simply mask the insulin-resistant symptoms of high blood
sugar. It is powerfully effective at overcoming bad blood because it
activates the essential reaction known as phosphorylation. In other words,
cinnamon increases insulin sensitivity by mimicking all the positive
effects of insulin. When consumed, cinnamon rushes to muscle cells,
attaches to them, and does what insulin cannot: it triggers the uptake of
glucose and other lifesaving nutrients from the blood by eliciting
phosphorylation. It brings numb, insulin-resistant cells back to life and
maximizes hormonal intelligence.

The easiest way to harness the benefits of cinnamon is to buy it
organically and use it before meals three times per day. The two main types
of cinnamon are Cinnamomum cassia (sometimes labeled Saigon cinnamon) and
Cinnamomum verum (sometimes labeled Ceylon cinnamon). Saigon cinnamon is
the common form used in the studies and is readily available on grocery
shelves. Warnings of naturally occurring coumarin in cinnamon causing
excess blood thinning or liver toxicity exist online, but are unfounded.
Decades of research has proven that all types of cinnamon are safe!
Plus, Cinnergy ( has ZERO coumarin!

Cinnamon’s positive effect on health is a stark reminder that nutrient
logic is man’s best bet for optimal health. Its value has been proven
historically and with modern drug-discovery techniques. Since cinnamon
isn’t man-made and cannot be patented like commonly used drugs, don’t
wait for your doctor to prescribe this nutritional supplement.

Start using Cinnergy now at for just a few dollars per
month! Also, get my FREE workout App on your phone, simply search 18
Minute Workout in the App store!

While you’re at it, learn how to eat right with

Dare to Live Young,
The People’s Chemist

P.S. Cinnergy starts working in a matter of hours! Live young, ditch the
meds, start Cinnergy at