Subject: Chemist: Pharma Rep Ditches the Meds!!! QUICK READ!

It’s not every day that I hear an ex-pharma rep “ditched the meds.”

That’s about as rare as Bigfoot…

Most people working for Big Pharma refuse to see the paradigm they’ve
been locked into! There's too much to risk: care lease, mortgage, vacation

But not Christy. She actually has some hardline morals and ethics.

...and when her own health was almost sabotaged by meds,
she took action.

“After 42 years of never getting sick, working out 3-4 times a week, and
always thin and healthy, I came down with a bad cold. That turned into
bronchitis, then pneumonia. I stayed sick for 2 years. I was finally
diagnosed with an immune deficiency by my immunologist,” she writes.

“Because I was so sick, it seemed that nothing in my body was working
correctly. I was put on a low dose of a blood pressure med. I was put on a
relatively low dose of Synthroid for my underactive thyroid. Finally, I was
put on monthly infusions of Immunoglobulin (IgG infusions) at a cost of
$8000 per infusion.”

Like so many, Christy found herself stuck in the merry-go-round of meds!

All of the above diagnoses and meds were UNCALLED FOR!!!!!!!!!!!!!

“Infusions are horrible…I was at the center all day, went home
exhausted, and felt terrible. I had headaches and felt achy and
fatigued,” she says.

That’s when she knew things needed to turn around for the better…asap!

“I decided I had to do everything I could to get healthier to live longer
for my husband and children,” Christy says.

She began to take "vitamins," but was skeptical.

(Rightly so…because most vitamins being sold are cr@p. They’re filled
with additives, artificial ingredients, and lack potency.)

“Through my research, I came across The People’s Chemist. After signing
up for his emails, I read his entire book in a few days. I was skeptical
about his comments, because I was a pharmaceutical rep for 9 years. I had
believed that medicine and doctors were the way to go,” Christy admits.

Yet she bought almost everything I sell!

“I ordered Immune FX (, Joint FX
(, Thermo FX (, Serotonin FX
(, and Cardio FX ( Then I
ordered everything Shane suggests in his cheat sheet for thyroid problems.
I’ve been taking all of them. It’s been 5 years since I first ordered
from the People’s Chemist.”

“In just a couple of months, I was off blood pressure and thyroid meds.
Because I am now healthier than I’ve ever been, I’ve been off the
monthly infusions for 2 ½ years.”

“My immune system is still low. But I feel my body works much more
efficiently than it ever has. So the little bit of immune system I do have
works better than most people’s. I haven’t been on antibiotics in more
than 4 years. Not too many people can say that.”

Well done, Christy.

Keep living young! And thanks for sharing your story!

For some people, an illness or setback will crush their spirit.

Others use it as a catalyst to improve their life.

Illness will either drive you to a doctor’s office…where you can get
medicated to high hell and back (for life)…or it will inspire you to
change your lifestyle habits for the better!

Where to start?

Just read my emails and educate yourself…that will get you ahead of the
99% who live in “One Nation Under Meds.”

If you have high blood pressure, heart problems, or blood clots…try
Cardio FX (

This safe, natural heart pill has helped 1000s of people achieve better
cardiovascular health.

To learn more, and to order your first bottle, go to:

Ditch the meds,

The People’s Chemist

P.S. “Thanks for everything! And thank you for letting me share my story.
I tell everyone about what I do. Most people are skeptical. I’m not
skeptical. I’m living proof that living healthy and staying away from all
the garbage will help you live longer,” says Christy, a former pharma

Thanks Christy! Keep living young!

Find out what it takes to achieve excellent cardiovascular health…without

Stock up on Cardio FX at