Subject: Chemist: "Papa, Can I Get COVID-19?"

The People's Chemist
"Papa, Are We Going To Get Sick?"

Papa, Are We Going To Get Sick?
And there we are getting lunch, eating at the car.

I'm wearing my Battle Ready high tops.  Fact!:)

It's war...against a deadly virus that's leaving a trail of death as it traverses the globe.


Turn off the news, though, and it's crickets. Everything fine.

I don't watch the news.  

But I had to explain to our youngest kids why we had to eat at the car.

"There's a sickness-scare going on, Skyler."

Aubrey was quick to ask, "are we going to get sick, Papa?"

"Absolutely not, baby girl."

Blair is already keen to what's going on.

"Fact is, kids, people get sick all the time."

"Tuberculosis kills 1,500,000 people every year. That's like the entire population of Phoenix."

"A bacterial infection known as MRSA kills 20,000 annually in the US alone...then, there's the flu, pneumonia and doctor prescribed meds, which kill more than the Vietnam war, year after year...Coronavirus and its derivatives are everywhere.  Stay healthy and you'll be fine!"

Nothing to fear if you're healthy, just like flu, pneumonia and MRSA.

Dr. John Ioannidis, Department of Medicine at Stanford echoed this in his report, saying, "Different coronaviruses actually infect millions of people every year, and they are common especially in the elderly and in hospitalized patients with respiratory illness in the winter.  However, it is only this year that every single case and every single death gets red alert broadcasting in the news."

There's something much bigger going on...and it has nothing to do with a virus.  Fear is being used to further a massive agenda.

Ayn Rand warned us of this type of crisis in "Atlas Shrugged," saying that the moochers and looters of the world would bring America to her knees by a corrupt establishment of government regulators and businessmen.

She saw a day when they would manipulate the government, prey on individual achievement and shut down our business' time they'd crush our entrepreneurial spirit and steal your kids education.

That day is here.

Today, being healthy is far more than being "wealthy."

Being healthy is your FREEDOM! 

Immunity threats are everywhere…it’s disgusting, actually.

Aside from the hyped-up scare tactics in the media, there are real bacteria and viral nasties out to get you...

Think about it...

A single gram of feces can contain more than 10 million viruses, 1 million bacteria,1,000 parasite cysts and 100 parasite eggs. Our world is a breeding ground for illness.

But you don’t have to be a victim to this fact. Instead, you can minimize the everyday risk of infection by strengthening your immunity, naturally.

And that's what tens of thousands of The People's Chemist fans are doing right now...they're stocking up on Immune FX to bolster immunity!

The outstanding ability of our immune system to ward off infection was recently highlighted in Noble Prize winning science. Scientists Bruce Beutler and Jules Hoffmann discovered that humans are hard-wired with special receptors that recognize foreign invaders and activate our immune response to protect us. It’s like having a massive, protective army on watch around the clock.

But in order to activate these sentinels, we need to supply the body with high-quality fuel derived from natural products to feed and nourish our very complex immune system. Decades of science show that the active ingredients in Immune FX are the true answer for harnessing the protective power of this ultra-potent, anti-infection machine.

Meet one powerhouse ingredient: Andrographis paniculata

The Scientific World Journal just released its findings to show:

"Andrographis paniculata is one of the most highly used medicinal plants in the world. This plant is traditionally used for the treatment of common cold, diarrhea, fever due to several infective cause, jaundice, as a health tonic for the liver and cardiovascular health, and as an antioxidant. It is also used  to improve sexual dysfunctions and serve as a contraceptive."

It's that powerful and if you hurry, there might be some left: 

Dare to live young,

The People's Chemist

P.S. We are NOT closing.  In fact, we are shipping OVERTIME! Low stock alert on Immune FX, Daily Dose and Cardio FX!  Stock up at

The People's Chemist, 3600 Cerrillos Dr. #301A-802, Santa Fe, New Mexico 87507, United States
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