Subject: ~Chemist On fire! (Pic Included)


September 10, 2010

  From The Desk of The People's Chemist

Do you know what this image is? They are preparing hot coals...For me to walk on! Believe it. And the goal was to do it without running and without burning the tender bottoms of your feet.

Before I did this seemingly impossible task, I had to undergo TRAINING!

I had to learn what I was capable of doing from an EXPERT Fire Walker! Otherwise, the outcome could have been dreadfully painful for many weeks. Fortunately, it was an experience of a lifetime. And I thanked my teacher dearly for this opportunity.

The same is true for vibrant health. You need a teacher to show you the seemingly IMPOSSIBLE! And that's why I'm proud to introduce my Secret Health Files! And for a limited time, you can be among the first to save big with my pre-sale launch at

...Discover what you've been missing.


Discover How to Flatten Your Belly In 72 hours!

Did you know that there are “rock star” type cells in your gut that die and regenerate within 72 hours? And did you know that if you adhere to “nutrient logic,” the new cells can come back healthier than the old to change your digestion, mood, immunity and even flatten your stomach in a matter of hours - far better than most of the PROBIOITICS USED TODAY?

Learn about all this and more at

Are you wasting away?

In the USA, premature illness and obesity are at ALL TIME HIGH. When most should be living young by making memories with their loved ones, many are slowly wasting away.

Maybe you enjoy a breathtaking sunset with your wife from a Bungalow in Kauai, as live music plays at a nearby club and your tanned skin brushes with the warm tropical breeze.

Maybe you finally get on the dance floor in Miami and end the night at 6am - with a sweat soaked t-shirt - to watch the sun rise and listen to the blue, calm water lap up on the warm sand of South Beach.

Maybe you pilot hi above the Mississippi river and watch it crawl into the Gulf, and then fly on to see Texas, New Mexico and Colorado from 10,500ft.

Or, you experience the heart pounding, nerve-racking experience of your first, 60-second free fall over the green, humid landscape of Houston, Texas.

Maybe you finally take that snowboard vacation with your family; your kids shred in the park while you relax in the salt water jacuzzi with a cold beer and your wife, watching the steam rise.

Sadly, these life experiences won’t be a reality for many.

Very few people are able to live free of pandemic killers or the hype that keeps them from learning about the most valuable health discoveries - the ones that save lives and keep us alive longer in order to collect life's most revered currency - EXPERIENCE!

It’s time you were let in on a few health secrets that will help you Live Healthier and Pay Less...

Read on to discover:

How The Wrong Calorie Can Kill You

How To Defy Aging DNA The Easy Way: Add 10 Years To Your Life

How To Obtain Digestive Health On A Dollar Budget

The Healing Secrets Of The Inca: Beat Malaria, Soothe Pain, Get Your Libido Back

The Best Way To Avoid Cancer for Life

How To Harness Nutrient Logic’s 4-Prong Cancer Attack DAILY

The New Way To Kill Cancer: Maximize Your Immune System Cancer RADAR

Big Pharma’s Most Sought After Blood Cancer Buster and Where to Buy It Online

Your Hidden Weapons Of Belly Fat Destruction

The Hidden Danger Of Cholesterol Lowering Drugs

Cholesterol – What They Are Not Telling You

Four Ways To Reduce Inflammation And C-Reactive Protein (CRP) Without Crestor

The Athletes Deadly Mistake: Avoid This To Enhance Performance And Smother Age Accelerating Free Radicals

…And lots more!


Read the Secret Health files FACT SHEET before it gets hacked and removed (it’s happened to me several times) at: