Subject: ~Chemist: No Medication Interactions


Everyone is at risk for an unruly blood clot! It happens without warning,
young or old. Sadly, nobody in the medical community is telling you what
causes them or how to avoid them...Instead, they are just shoving
blood thinning meds down your throat, for life!

That's STUPID!

Your body doesn't pump out deadly blood clots as if it were diseased...There's
a simple explanation and cure that doesn't require a lifetime of drug use.

[If you want a lifetime of blood and cardiovascular health, visit]

Blood clots are the result of a chemical cascade by which a compound
known as fibrinogen is converted into fibrin. This gives rise to a
scaffolding-like structure that halts blood flow.

When we bleed, the elastic, fibrin molecules gather and thicken near a
wound. The entire process is mandatory for healing. But in excess, blood
clots cause heart attack and stroke for their ability to halt blood flow
all together.

The pharmaceutical industry attempts to curb the threat of excess blood
clots with blood thinners like aspirin, plavix and coumadin. In an
emergency situation, these drugs have immense value.

But, if using daily, side effects are likely and gruesome.

In fact, side effects from prescription blood thinners are the leading cause of
hospitalization today!

Instead of swallowing risky drugs everyday, it’s wiser to understand what
causes blood to thicken excessively...and they are:

High triglycerides
Increased sugar levels
And inflammation giving rise to compounds known as cytokines

Therefore, the best way to ensure healthy blood is to drink plenty of
purified water or spring water, avoid sugar and excess fruits and take part
in weight training to keep inflammation down.

In place of risky blood thinners, and outside of an emergency situation,
you can also avoid dangerous blood clots with the natural medicine,
Cardio FX.


You don't have to thin your blood to stop blood clots!

Therefore, Cardio FX is NOT a BLOOD THINNER!

Cardio FX is a CLOT BUSTER!

[If you want a lifetime of blood and cardiovascular health, visit]

Using Cardio FX is an incredibly simple way to preserve blood viscosity.
It’s powerful healing effect comes from compounds known technically as
proanthocyanidins, flavonoids and catechins. You could think of them as
“healthy blood insurance.”

The active ingredients in Cardio FX work day and night to keep excess
blood clots away. And better than any drug, Cardio FX still allows for clotting
when needed. That means NO SIDE EFFECTS like internal bleeding!

...and no risky interactions!

In fact, Harvard University published their findings on the natural
compounds found in Cardio FX...when compared to 5,000 other naturally occurring
compounds, flavonoids were at the top of the list when it came to
lifesaving anti-clot properties that can “help prevent heart attack and

A user of CardioFX recently experienced these benefits and was able to
measure and monitor its’ success!

Here’s his story:

"I found the Peoples Chemist through my wife who is a long term friend of
one of the staff at TPC. Like anything, I was skeptical. But I had some
health concerns due to excessive blood clots"
“I had suffered from Deep Vein Thrombosis and Pulmonary Embolism in 2003
after surgery and another last year after falling asleep for 9 hours on a
long haul flight from England.”
"I started using Cardio FX and felt great in a short while, surprisingly.”
"The real acid test came in April. My wife had found a nutritionist who
looks at blood under a microscope to monitor health. When he looked at
my blood sample he was amazed - my blood and circulation looked excellent,
better than a normal person and not how it should look after 2 episodes of
serious clotting!"
"The Dr's could find no underlying medical condition for the clotting
but their solution was to put me on a dangerous blood thinner for life.
Just a simple paper cut could put you in the ER from suing these drugs! As
a man of action, this was unacceptable! I was not going on meds forever!"
"Thanks to Shane, Cardio FX and his program I can live a normal life!"

Nobody should be held back by a lifetime of servitude that comes with daily
prescription drug use. You are better than that!

If you want a lifetime of blood and cardiovascular health, visit

Save 15% now when you buy a 3-pack while supplies last!

If you wait, it might be too late.

Let protect you for life!

Dare to live young!

The People’s