Subject: Chemist: My wife and son were sick...


From the desk of: The People's Chemist

- Bachelor's degree in biology
- Master's degree in organic chemistry
- Abandoned his former career as a pharmaceutical chemist
- Help's people
 ditch the meds to live a healthier, more active life
- Author of 3 Worst Meds, Over-The-Counter Natural Cures and more...

- 30 years as medicinal chemist

In January, my 6 year old got "the flu."

He had a fever of 105 degrees F.




Then mom got it. Even worse.

They both started heavy doses of Immune FX and have remained
on it for months. It's their "daily" vitamin.

If they were sick today. They would no doubt be labeled with "coronavirus"
simply based on their symptoms.

That's because there is no reliable test for the flu or for coronavirus.

The CDC has been preaching this for decades, "you could still have
the flu, even though your rapid test result is negative." In that same
manner, you could test positive and not be sick.

A virus is too small, elusive and there are so many different types. You
are more likely to find a needle in a haystack the size of 10 football fields.

Kerry Mullis was the biochemist who pioneered viral testing...he won
the Nobel Prize for his work. And even he came forward to denounce
the technique for testing sick people. (Much of his funding got pulled
in later years once he refused to follow Big Pharmas narrative on HIV).

1000 virus' can fit on a grain of salt!

Swab a cheek or a nose, you're going to have a plethora of virus'.
Maybe you have flu, coronavirus, control-us-virus or the boomer-remover

You just never know.

And just because you're carrying them doesn't
mean you are going to be sick with them!

To say that you are sick from a viral test is akin to saying you're dating
the person you're standing next to in a crowded bar!

It's absurd! And whatever rhetoric you're hearing on the news about
testing positive is all hype and fear propaganda.

The only thing that can identify and defend a virus is your immune

That's why we keep it strong with Immune FX:

Nothing works better.

Stock up now!

Dare to live young,

The People's Chemist

P.S. Get my at home workout FREE: The 18 Minute Workout! Search in
your APP store! Exercise boosts immunity!