Subject: Chemist: Most Important Supplement for Men! (Highlights!)

Scientific Research Concludes: "This is The Most Important Supplement For Men!"

What's worse than getting the flu and being labeled positive for coronavirus?

Getting your prostate blasted with radiation and meds that leave you in pain and without a sex life...

That's what!

Huge facts right now and yea better listen the f@#ck up...if you care at all about protecting your a$$ from Big Pharma!

Want to age gracefully?

Then you need "the most important botanical medicine for men!"

...that would be saw palmetto!


Because it works to protect your prostate for life!

Unfortunately, commonly sold palmetto products are merely pixie-dust of the real thing. They aren't made with the proper dose to confer a medicinal effect!

That's why I used my chemistry background to formulate Palmetto +!

[Quick Offer: 15% off a 3-Pack and FREE shipping at]

Palmetto + provides medicinal extracts of saw palmetto, pygeum and ginseng. All three are well known for treating benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH), a fancy word for an enlarged prostate.

The science has never been stronger and guys are ditching their prescription pills in record numbers. In 2012, a landmark clinical trial published in the New England Journal of Medicine found that the majority of men diagnosed with prostate problems opted for "watchful waiting" instead of treatment!

Many of those men are wising up to the benefits of saw palmetto and other natural medicines. The informed guys (and wives) looking for pure products, though, are ending up empty handed!

Not any more!


- Titanium Dioxide
- Magnesium Stearate
- Carrageenan
- silicon dioxide
- calcium carbonate
- Glucose Syrup
- Sucrose
- Dextrose
- High Fructose Corn Syrup
- Chromium
- Cholecalciferol
- Soy
- Hydroxypropyl methylcellulose (HPMC)

That's right, as The People's Chemist, it's my job to make the purest medicinally active products in the world...and get you off prescription drugs as well CONTAMINATED, nutritional supplements!

Why are so many products contaminated?

The #1 reason is efficiency and shelf-life.

To encapsulate hundreds of millions of pills, you need a flow agent to ensure that the plant/herbal materials are quickly shoved into each capsule...It's similar to trying to shove a magazine through a mail slot.

Most compounds need to be blended with synthetic additives to get them to flow easier. And finally, every single store fears rotting. They don't want pills growing mold, causing customers to get sick. So, they DEMAND

What they don't know is that most natural ingredients DON'T NEED PRESERVATIVES! They naturally preserve themselves.

So, needless to say, Palmetto + is free and clear...but, it's a very slow process to make it! Therefore, I have very limited supply.

Get yours now at:

This is ideal for those who are a "slave to the bathroom."

Let me explain...

Situated at the bottom of the bladder, your prostate is a walnut-sized organ that provides the fluid that carries sperm during ejaculation.

Nearby, urine collects in your bladder until it gets full and you get the urge to pee.

As your prostate swells, the urge to pee comes prematurely due to the mechanical stress caused by prostate swelling. But, it can get worse.

If swelling continues, your prostate squeezes the tube (urethra) that carries urine from the bladder to the toilet. Therefore, you can’t pee as easily and are left with a full bladder that is begging to be drained!

When this happens…you become a slave to the bathroom. You feel like you have to go all the time, then nothing happens.

That’s no way to live!

The “sheeple” of the world will just turn to whatever prescription drug their doctor gives them to fix this problem…or worse, subject themselves to creepy “microwave therapies” or invasive surgeries that slice and
dice tissue around the prostate.

But all of those conventional “treatments” are not needed.

Taking prostate meds is like voluntarily signing up for a sex change you didn’t want…courtesy of all the side effects that come with those medications (e.g., male breast enlargement, genital shrinking, decreased
sexual ability, etc.).

Even worse is surgery. Although surgery can remove enlarged prostate tissue, unfortunately, you ALSO risk cutting nerves that pass along the prostate as well, which are EVERYWHERE!

This will almost certainly mean an abrupt end to a man’s sex life. (Not an appealing option for a large number of men who actually give a sh#t about having sex!)

Traditional fixes for an enlarged prostate are pretty insane…especially considering Mother Nature offers a SAFE, natural remedy for the problems
described above.

I designed this Palmetto + specifically for men who are tired of dealing with urination problems…and who wish to protect themselves from prostate enlargement — without drugs, surgery or other invasive therapies.

If you want to put an end to the urination problems that interrupt your life, Palmetto+ is a “must-have.”

By the way…ALL men ages 50 and older should be taking this product. And it’s great for preventive health for men ages 30 and up.

No knives, microwaves, or toxic drugs needed!

Try your first bottle of Palmetto+ today!

Order at

[Quick Offer: 15% off a 3-Pack and FREE shipping at]

Dare to live young,

The People’s Chemist

P.S. Having surgery to stop prostate growth is a bad idea…It only sets you up for a slew of additional health problems later — which are oftenWORSE than what they’re trying to treat. Before resorting to drastic measures, try Palmetto+, my safe natural supplement for total prostate health. Put an end to urination problems, eliminate nighttime trips to the bathroom, and guard against prostate enlargement. Order at!

P.P.S.  All men should be aiming for their absolute best the VERY minimum, they should do it for their loved ones!  If you can't sacrifice a few vices to get your best weight to live longer, then what's the point in having a family?  

The very definition of being a dad is being RESPONSIBLE!  So be responsible for your weight!  

Start now, work directly with me at - Get both Palmetto + and this no lose, 90 Day Program: 

I'll make DAMN sure it works for you!  Lets get it!

The People's Chemist, 3600 Cerrillos Dr. #301A-802, Santa Fe, New Mexico 87507, United States
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