Subject: ~Chemist Last Call! "Coumadin Should be a Crime!" (Last Call!)

Outside of an emergency, prescribing Coumadin should be a crime!

Used to prevent clotting and halt A-fib, there are far better
options than Coumadin! Hawthorn is one of every definition,
it's a miraculous tool to stop unruly blood clots, remedy A-Fib and
strengthen the heart. For the next few minutes you can get hawthorn
rich Cardio FX for 15% off and receive my Secret Health Files for
FREE! That's over a $100 in value and I'm shipping for FREE!

Last call here:

If you think you're safe taking Coumadin on the daily, think again.

As a chemist, I watched the industry lie, cheat and steal their way to
approval for many years. It got a black box warning in 1996, which is an
official statement required by the FDA that magnifies drugs’ real and
present danger. To me, a black box warning means that illicit drugs—like
crack cocaine—are probably safer options.

Vioxx (rofecoxib) didn’t even have a black box warning. Yet, according to
FDA estimates, it killed more than 30,000 people during its four-year
reign. (To compare, crack cocaine kills fewer than a hundred people per

In the Coumadin warning, the FDA stated that “patients may be more
susceptible to the risk of hemorrhaging if they are sixty-five and older,
or if they have a history of gastrointestinal bleeding, hypertension, or
heart disease.”

This means that everyone taking the drug is at risk, since it’s only
approved for and prescribed to those with heart disease.

In its early days, Coumadin made for great rat poison, literally. I wish I
could say that I was using some creative analogy here. I’m not. Coumadin
is tasteless and therefore easily disguised in food. Rats would eat it and
die shortly thereafter from hemorrhaging, which meant no more pesky
critters running around your house.

Recognizing Coumadin’s fast-acting clot-busting properties, the
pharmaceutical industry soon began promoting it as a cardiovascular
drug. It was reasoned that the relatively small human dose would not
cause hemorrhaging. But the FDA black box warning now proves
otherwise. Coumadin warnings are nothing more than a sad reminder
that we need the FDA to tell us that rat poison doesn’t make for good

Time to ditch the meds!

The People's Chemist

P.S. Walking around with bruises on your arms is NOT NORMAL! Its a sign that
your insides are failing you thanks to Coumadin! There's a better way!

For the next few minutes you can get hawthorn rich Cardio FX for 15% off
and receive my Secret Health Files for FREE! That's over a $100 in value
and I'm shipping for FREE!

Last call here: