Subject: Chemist: Hate-Mail Poured-In....

We’re Not Wearing a Mask, eVEr!…

By: The People's Chemist


From Shane “The People’s Chemist” Ellison, M.S.

- Bachelor’s degree in biology
- Master’s degree in organic chemistry

- Abandoned his career as a pharmaceutical chemist

- Helps people ditch their meds to live young

- Author of 3 Worst Meds & more


If you don’t have freedom or health…then what’s the point?

You should never let any religion, science or government scare you with “death…”

And that’s exactly what’s happening now.

Forcing people to wear masks and shelter in is a political move, not a science one.

Doing so doesn’t help you remain healthy, it simply bankrupts you and controls you…just like they did in 1933 when they said everyone should “turn in their gold and silver.”

And the sheeple complied…in place of the real money, they got a fiat currency that is stolen at will courtesy of inflation.

So, if you’re wearing mask, you’re giving up!

When I said that in an earlier email, the hate mail poured in…

People told me my “science isn’t very good…”

Look. There’s no good or bad science. There’s just science.

Preventing illness via a mask doesn’t work, period.

“The Journal of the American Medical Association” said:

“Face masks should not be worn by healthy individuals to protect themselves from acquiring respiratory infection because there is no evidence to suggest that face masks worn by healthy individuals are effective in preventing people from becoming ill.”

See? No evidence.

Are You Healthy?

If you’re healthy and not in a hospital setting…no need. Your time is better spent cherishing moments with family and loved ones…not hiding your face.

Right now, the media is trying to scare healthy people into thinking they’re weapons…AKA “carriers.”

But by that logic, we should all be dead already. After all, anyone can test positive at any time for coronavirus and every other so-called virus we’ve identified since 1932.

…even the fully-vested CDC said:

“Adults can shed influenza virus 1 day before symptoms appear and up to approximately 5 to 7 days after onset of illness; thus, the selective use of masks (e.g., in proximity to a known symptomatic person) may not effectively limit transmission in the community.”

This means by the time you put on a mask, it’s too late. Your nose and body are already covered by viruses…and a healthy person is already protected by their immune system!

At that point, are you going to “social distance” from your own body?

Makes no sense.

So what I wrote is true:

“Nobody needs to shelter-in, wear a mask, or distance themselves. All of these actions show a level of fear, a lack of critical thinking, and where you get your info from: The Lame-Stream Media. Getting your info from Lame-Stream Media is f@#ckin’ scarier and more disappointing than than any viral threat.”

I cannot believe how many @ss hats are sitting around their TV for HOURS a day being spoon-fed absolute bullsh#t.

If that’s you, you have a much bigger problem than coronavirus!

Fact: the coronavirus/COVID-19 is “the common cold” or flu. That’s all anyone knows as of this very minute. This was discovered in 1932 and has been verified ever since, by every lab worldwide, independently!

Dr. Anthony Fauci, Director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, confirmed this.

Writing for The New England Journal of Medicine, he commented on COVID-19’s discovery in China. He noted, “This suggests that the overall clinical consequences of COVID-19 may ultimately be more akin to those of a severe seasonal influenza (which has a case fatality rate of approximately 0.1%)…”

The more you believe it’s a killer disease worth shutting down your life for…the more you’ve been brainwashed courtesy of your own willful ignorance.

You’re already dead inside…demoralized by giving away your freedom.

So what are all the “deaths” in the media?

I don’t know. I don’t watch the media. The media lies.

I do know that hospitals are PAYING workers to report SYMPTOMS like headache and cough as CORONAVIRUS and getting extra days of PAID LEAVE!

I do know, too, that hospitals are getting ADDED FUNDING for every death labeled CORONAVIRUS.

Therefore, deaths being reported are a lie. This has been verified by many science journals too!

Want to avoid a virus? 

Get outside, be with your loved ones, get sunshine, take Immune FX (

Exposure to germs boosts your immune system. That means it’s good for you.  Coming into contact with germs is the only way a healthy body builds operates of exposure and memory!

By learning how to defeat germs on its own, your immune system gets stronger.

[Not being a fat a$$ also helps boost immunity…that’s a fact:] 

A virus only becomes deadly — like polio — when you live in filth and destroy your body so much that viruses begin to thrive off of your own cells. 

There is no such thing as a test for a virus!

After all, viruses are all over the place! They make up 8% of your DNA!

Think about that the next time you want a “viral” test…you will no doubt test positive whether you are sick or not!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Why the f#ck would anyone want to be tested for coronavirus?

It’s like saying, “Can I be tested to make sure I’m alive?”

If you need a test for that, you’ve got bigger problems than a virus.

As long as you’re getting good water, air, and food, a viral threat is a joke.


That’s why these 3 tactics will never help you avoid a virus:

- Sheltering-in
- Social distancing
- Wearing a mask

And while we’re on the subject of viruses and fear-loathing a$$ hats who think they know science…I might as well remind you that your home is filthy.

Right now, you’re surrounded by layers of viruses and bacteria. If you’re using chemical sanitizers to get rid of them, then you’re also living in a “chemical sh#t storm.” This creates a breeding ground for cancer.

There. How’s that for science? Is it getting good yet?

Yes, all homes are filthy, even the cleanest-looking ones.

Remember, we live in a sea of viruses. That’s the nature of life! Your dish sponge is a petri dish. If you have a toddler, forget about it. Your home is farm for biological nasties.

…and that’s a good thing. Your immune system is getting stronger and winning!

I didn’t close my business. There is no pandemic. I even started a FREE grappling gym.

Sales are at an all-time high. I can’t keep up with product inventory.

So there’s that…

Also, in the name of chivalry, I hug and greet my friends and family like a man…the way they deserve to be greeted — unlike so many cowards hunched over like a beaten, junkyard dog — too pussified to think for themselves.

That’s what decades of Lame-Stream Media does. It abuses you with a lifetime of fear.

Since you were too weak to say “no,” they kept doing it…now look where you are.

Stripped of you chivalry, morals, and ethics — hiding in your f@#cking home. You get what you deserve.

“I’d rather die on my feet than live on my knees [wearing a mask]…”

Dare to live young,

The People’s Chemist

The People's Chemist, 3600 Cerrillos Dr. #301A-802, Santa Fe, New Mexico 87507, United States
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