Subject: ~Chemist: "Get Everyone on a Prescription!"

Currently Johnson & Johnson is in a legal battle.

This is the company that brought us cancer-causing baby
powder…Band-Aids…and opioids.

(They've also run a hit campaign against essential oils to promote their
synthetic perfumes, used in soaps, face lotions and baby products! Learn
more at

For the past two decades, opioids have killed more than 400,000 people.
Kids…teens…your neighbors…innocent people all got hooked on this
addictive drug.

Lives were ruined.

Many of these drugs were “prescribed” by doctors and used as instructed!

And we have Johnson & Johnson to thank…

Oklahoma is suing the company for $17 billion…to fund treatment for the
epidemic. The state is calling their behavior a “public nuisance.”

…You and I both know it’s more than a nuisance.

It’s legal murder.

Big Pharma gets away with it all the time, along with Wall Street and the FDA...

Attorney Mike Hunter says Johnson & Johnson was “at the heart of a
conspiracy by the drug industry that caused opioid prescribing to surge far
beyond any other country, with one prescription being written for every
American adult at its peak, driving addiction and death.”



And the masses do nothing but stare at their phone and scroll social media,
troll and b#tch about politicians who will never do anything for them...

Most people wouldn't say sh#it if it was shoved in their mouth.

And Big Pharma knows this, which is why they ran a “cunning, cynical and deceitful scheme” to get every person in America hooked on meds.

An expert witness, Dr. Andrew Kolodny, called Johnson & Johnson “a
kingpin in our opioid crisis.”

…And you thought they were “family-friendly."

It’s not just Johnson & Johnson…it’s all of Big Pharma.

Their products kill and destroy lives.

“Steve Brody with Johnson & Johnson said the state’s argument that the
drug maker caused a public nuisance by marketing and selling painkillers
doesn’t stand up in court. He argued it’s the same as holding fast food
restaurants like McDonald’s accountable for the country’s obesity

How the f#ck is the opioid epidemic “the same” as eating at McDonald's?

Not a single human being has ever thought a Big Mac was healthy...

We go to doctors for HEALTH, not addiction!

Drug companies are all about “sidestepping” responsibility.

And they do it via willful ignorance of the masses - like many people on this

Why are you still on meds?!

...because you're too lazy to read 3 Worst Meds and take charge!

That's why.

For the rest of you, read here:

Ditch the meds!!!

The People’s Chemist

P.S. For a safe alternative to painkillers, try Relief FX. I
formulated this natural product to be 100% safe, non-toxic, non-addictive,
with no side effects. Order your first bottle at