Subject: ~Chemist: Fun Friday Rant!

Bill from Vegas emailed me to say, “I purchased your Hormone Intelligence
Therapy (HIT). Been faithful to the program for 14 days (exercising 5 days
per week). Eating 3 balanced meals per day and have not lost even a fraction of
a pound. The plan may work for some, but does not seem to work for me.
Please process my refund.”

Bill, give me a f#cking break…

From once being a nation that led the world in science, medicine, and
disease prevention, America has descended into a pit of instant
gratification, pill-worship, and wishful thinking idiots who spend their
entire lives eating themselves into a grave, bitching and moaning
about the news and trolling social media...then want to be rescued
in a matter of weeks.

(...if you're even the least bit offended by Straight Talk, then blame your
parents for raising wimps. For those who make it through there's a huge
FREE offer for you at the links that follow.)

It's Friday and my Give-O-F@ck Meter is bottomed out...

Bill, give me a break…

First of all, HIT (Hormone Intelligence Therapy...for the slow ones) says
NOTHING about "balanced meals." Nor does it say to exercise "5 days per
week." If you'd read the book that came with your program, you'd see that
I never said to do that.

But that's not why I'm writing this email…

Thousands of people have successfully used HIT to lose weight, reverse
diabetes and to live young! (See

They read the book and did what it said to do!

They've cured diabetes, cancer and heart disease while ditching the meds.

Some even went on to run marathons, compete in Ironman competitions
and fight in the cage at 51 years old!

Do you have a need to be "special," Bill?

Look, for me it's not about the money. Handing out a few hundred dollars
for a refund wouldn't crush me monetarily. I never went into business
solely for the money.

If I did, I'd be a pro-vaccine, pro-statin chemist…embezzling millions
from clueless consumers by pushing risky meds onto everyone…like the drug
industry and doctors do daily.

I'm not that person.

In fact, I wasn't always profitable in my business. After quitting my
high-paying job as a bench chemist for Big Pharma, I couldn't even afford a
shirt and tie from Walmart!

I haven't told this to anyone in 10 years…

After I quit Pharma, to cover basic expenses, I was hired as a freelance
writer. My work exposed how the U.S. government colluded with Big Pharma to
hook everyone on meds. My client wanted a professional pic of me wearing a
nice shirt and tie. I didn't own either of those.

I could have dug up a million excuses not to follow through on their

Instead, I went to Walmart and found a shirt-and-tie package that cost $10.
That was almost 20% of my day's income. Plus, I needed to pay Walmart
Photography to take my picture.

I simply couldn't afford it. I decided to "borrow" the shirt and tie.

I tore into the package. Hid the plastic. Put the shirt on, tucked it in,
and slapped on the tie. Walked straight to the photo booth, while bypassing
the cashier. Acted as if I was sporting my own custom suit.

"Say cheese," the photographer said.

Within minutes, I had my professional photos on a disk, ready to go.

I promptly went back to the shelf to return my borrowed "suit." I retrieved
the plastic wrap. Stripped everything off. Put my t-shirt back on.

And bam - security caught me red-handed, stealing $10 worth of merchandise.

I froze in humiliation.

Never say die.

Using my gift of gab, I explained the situation. Since I'd never left the
store with the package, we all agreed that technically, it wasn't theft.

They had mercy on me. I was escorted out a free man.

On that day, I vowed to use my background as a chemist to produce
effective, safe products that have measurable results. I started The
People's Chemist. I was determined to grow the business, while NEVER
compromising quality or safety. This way, I could help as many people on
the planet as possible (even if a few of them turned out to be morons).

It was never just about the money.

That night, I was up until 4 in the morning writing. Eventually Hormone Intelligence
Therapy was born (see

Still, that's not why I'm writing this email.

I've never stopped writing. Among a sea of deceitful, brown-nosing,
misinformed frauds known as Big Pharma - and pretty much the entire
supplement industry - I've always kept it real. I've always focused on
delivering measurable results.

Admittedly, I swear too much, am offensive, and sometimes bring
not-very-funny jokes. My straightforward commentary distinguishes me from
those who publish pious fluffery, stuffy biobabble, and politically correct

I took the harder, solo road - cause I knew my work would someday trump
fraudulent pharmaceuticals and vitamin flim-flam.

Still though, the cretinous masses continue to remain hooked on
picture-perfect narratives that insist on "quick fixes."

What the f#ck did Bill from Vegas expect to happen in 14 days?

Did he become obese in 14 days?

His complaint is all too reflective of the public's attitude of laziness
and entitlement. Most people expect their body (a complex machine
consisting of approximately 100 trillion cells) to magically heal itself by
popping a pill. Or worse, they expect to suddenly look good naked by
following BS catch phrase diets like "balanced meals," "clean eating,"
"gluten-free," or "Paleo." They live and die by this BS gospel.

…Then they demand refunds because a 90-day program - requiring a brain
cell, an ability to read, and a willingness to learn and follow 6 habits to
truly master their hormones - doesn't work in 14 days.

Bill, screw your refund. THAT'S what I wanted to say in this email!

Would you rather lose the dead weight? Or get your money back and spend it
on a month's worth of Unicorn Frappuccinos?

Even if God himself offered you the perfect weight loss program, you'd
probably still find something to complain about!

I suspect Bill doesn't want to hear the truth. The truth is that
Hormone Intelligence Therapy doesn't fail. Only people do. (If the
program failed even ONCE, I wouldn't be selling it! Duh!)

My program doesn't promise results in 14 days. It promises results in 90

People who use HIT as intended get their hormones, weight, and
entire life in check, courtesy of the program's ability to help them master
their own physique.

The illogical Bills of the world try to castrate me with refund requests
and hate mail. I move on with a sense of duty, knowing that the frauds of
the vitamin world and warmongers of Big Pharma will never be able to
compete with me.

While they dominate the media and Internet like a clawed mutant,
hypnotizing more and more people with every pharmaceutically-funded
commercial and Wall Street investor - I remain victorious on the
battlefield of right and wrong.

Over the past 15 years, my dedication to helping people lose weight has
taken me and my family from broke to thriving.

Thanks to HIT's wild effectiveness and safety, today I can
afford to buy all the shirts and ties I want. (But truthfully, I'm more of
a white T-shirt guy…in a custom made, bought and paid for, 2017 Range
Rover TD6.)

If you're done tolerating excess weight, excuses, and complaining - and
you're willing to follow simple instructions - then Hormone Intelligence
Therapy is perfect for you!

Take charge of your weight by ordering

Dare to live young,

The People's Chemist

P.S. And, since you put up with my Friday rant, I'm taking 20% off and tossing
in a bundle of amazing FREE sh#t. Check it out: