Subject: ~Chemist: Feel Fuller on LESS Calories! [HOW?]

Feel full on 1,500 calories a day…
From The People's Chemist, M.S.

- Bachelor's degree in biology
- Master's degree in organic chemistry.
- Abandoned his career as a pharmaceutical chemist
- Helps people ditch their meds to live a healthier, more active lifestyle

- Author of Over-the-Counter Natural Cures, 3 Worst Meds and others

Feel Fuller Quicker...Get Your Best Body!

This ever happened to you?

After a long week of eating less, you only use one pound, if that.

“That can’t be right,” you ponder “Maybe the scale is wrong.”

You reset it and weigh something else to gauge its’ accuracy.

It’s accurate. You’ve lost, basically, nothing.

...Or your weight came back.

That's because you didn't optimize your hormone balance, output
and sensitivity (BOS)!

If you only remember one thing from this email, remember BOS.

Being overweight is one thing. Being overweight, stressed, tired – and
probably feeling a little depressed, is something entirely different.

And I completely understand how hard it is for you and how you're feeling
right now.

I’ve been there.

An honorary Fat Cow Hall of Fame member, I clocked in at 205 lbs and
had 30% body fat! I wrestled 126 in college, just to give you an idea of
how bad it got…

Applying my chemistry and the work I did on hormones, I discovered that
when we're overweight, we become "hormonally ignorant." We lose
hormone balance, output and sensitivity. This causes our brain to say
eat, eat eat and our body to say more, more more.

Overeating is just the start.

Hell, even if you start exercising with hormone ignorance, your body craves
MORE food! You GAIN more weight.

Like me, anyone can get shed the fat…at any age.

If you have the determination, and you get rid of the excuses, I can help
you lose half the weight of a supermodel! Guaranteed.

By applying my Hormone Intelligence Therapy (HIT), you can start
to see results in a matter of weeks! When you secure proper
hormone balance, output and sensitivity, you can eat MUCH less and
feel youthful and energized. After all, your body only needs basics. It's
the hormones that keep you happy!

As a chemist, grappler, pilot, dad and overall lunatic, my weight is
#1. I must keep it down. And for 20 years I've used HIT to do just that.

But I've also used it to reverse all the complications that come with being
fat - diabetes, heart disease, depression and so much more...

In short, HIT can help keep you from feeling like warm sh#t.

You just have to believe in both of us, especially in yourself.

------> Start my 30 Day Program here for less than $4 per day:

Hell, even if you don’t believe in yourself, pretend that you do, and
before you know it, you will! Just let me do the work!

It’s not an exercise program! It’s not a diet!

And it’s only 30 days to see massive results.

There will also be some free stuff to try, along with
proven products for
feeling better about yourself.

You can include them in with your breakfast, lunch or dinner!

There’s too much going on right now. I’ll try to lose weight next week.
Yeah, you said that last week.

--------> Just do these three simple things, and let’s go from there:

--> 1. Take out those pair of pants, dress or skirt that you can no longer fit
in, but you want to, and hang it on your refrigerator door…

…because you’ll be wearing them again in half the time you think it
will take.

Before you think that was a typo, I’ll state it again: In half the time
you think it will take!

And seeing those “skinny clothes” hanging there will help keep you
focused on your goal every time you’re in the kitchen – where the
calories hang out!

(I did this exact same thing. I put the Hawaiian shirt I wore for our
wedding on my desk chair. It motivated me every minute of every day to
stick to the simple program…)

--> 2. I want you to eat like your (great) grandparents ate: Three meals per
day, separated by 5-6 hours each. Only drink water.

--> 3. Don’t do an exercise or go to the gym if you don’t want to. Because
the odds are you will quit because it doesnt work! So do something that
you would rather be doing - Walking the dog, and playing fetch with him
can be your kind of exercise.

Or maybe swimming at the pool. . . .or just a light jog around the block.


Tip #3452: What’s the best ab exercise?

Three sets of stop eating so f@#cking much


Yes, it is possible to lose the weight in half the time you think it will
take. Yes, it is possible to get that feel good vibe to where you will want
to get up in the morning with a lot of energy.

And no, it isn’t going to be easy. But it will be easier with my help.☺

I’ll show you with my 30 day program why so many people – who are just
like you – can have an appetite of an eight year old, but burns calories
like an adult. 
Can you imagine?! 

Can you imagine cutting a sandwich in half, and eating one half of it now,
and the rest later on in the day? And not thinking about it?! 

Can you imagine no longer eating, just to put something in your mouth?

Can you imagine getting through an entire day without feeling like sh#t
warmed up, and having so many crappy thoughts?

...turn that imagination into something real that can happen right now!

You can do this!

I’m going to take you from, nothing fits, to feeling fit in about 3 weeks!

------> Start my 30 Day Program here for less than $4 per day:

Dare to live young!

The People’s Chemist

I’ll also answer all your questions. Like, “I don’t like to exercise.
Can’t I just take your program and still get results?”