Subject: ~Chemist: Fastest Way to Lose 10 Pounds!

Good morning Friend!

Real quick and important report...

At my heaviest I weighed 205 lbs and was at 30% body fat (pic at link
below). That’s the equivalent of a human donut. Not cool for a guy who once
wrestled at 126 lbs in college.

Currently, at 44 years old, I won’t be winning any bodybuilding contests,
Spartan Races or getting the fastest times at a Crossfit gym…but I am 175
lbs and 11% body fat. This is sustainable (and enjoyable) enough that
I’ve weighed this for almost 15 years.

That’s 15 years of being able to burn fat, build muscle, and remain
highly energetic for my kids, wife, jujitsu and aviation. And I never felt
like I was in the midst of a diet that made me feel lethargic or run down.

If you’re carrying too much extra around the gut, you can use a few of my
techniques to shed 10 pounds pretty fast…Or even up to 100 lbs.

Check it out here:

Dare to live young!

The People's Chemist

P.S. Make sure you take a couple of minutes to watch the video of
a fan who lost over 100lbs!