Subject: ~Chemist: Doctors Hate My Book Because...


From Shane "The People's Chemist" Ellison

- Bachelor's degree in biology and chemistry
- Master's degree in organic chemistry
- Abandoned his former career as a pharmaceutical chemist
- Helps people
 ditch their meds so they can live healthier
- Author of Over-the-Counter Natural Cures


The 3 most dangerous words in medicine...

But first, did you know that boswellic acids stimulate the regrowth of brain cells?

Did you know that milk thistle creates a protective shield around liver cells?

And did you know that reading an enjoyable book can lower stress by
over 60 percent?

I've used that statistic to encourage reading with my fact, for
18 years my wife and I have been reading bed time stories, without fail!
And since our fourth child is only 4 years old, we gonna be doing it
a lot longer!

Currently, my 14 year old, Blair, is reading Fight Club and learning the attributes (or
downfall) of ego death...

Speaking of reading an enjoyable book…

Did you know that doctors hate my very own, Over-the-Counter Natural Cures?

Just the title alone should tell you why...

And I love it as the author. ☺

I’ll tell you more in just a bit, but first…

...what are the 3 most dangerous words in medicine?

“You’re the doctor.”

That’s because so many (not all) of them don’t spend enough quality
time with their patients. They dole out the prescriptions too quickly.

...and don’t get me started on the 12 million adults who are misdiagnosed
every year! (Think about that...misdiagnosed cancer patients getting chemo
and dying...then they blame it on cancer!!!!!)

This should really piss you off! (But alas, it won't. Most people are
too busy b@#tching about the Super Bowl halftime show.)

But seriously, doctors, Wall Street and the US Govt DONT WANT YOU

Here's the good news:

You can cure yourself with Over-The-Counter Natural Cures Expanded.

People, who are just like you, are treating themselves for heart disease,
cancer, obesity, diabetes, sleepless nights and so much more!
TPC Fact: # A typical stay in a hospital is about 5 days, and that may
cost over $10,000!

Over-the-Counter Natural Cures Expanded helps protect your own health
and protects your hard-earned savings at the same time.
These doctors – and hospitals – don’t want you to know:

- How this humble herb, can help treat chronic liver disease, cancerous
cells, and lower blood sugar. Read pages 30-33.

- A healthier alternative that is 11 times cheaper than cholesterol-lowering
drugs. Flip to page 35.

- See a simple $8 cure on page 57 for blood clots and having a heathy heart.

- Discover on page 93 how millions of people, including children, are still
healthy without vaccines.

- If your anxieties have anxieties, read page 73 on how to feel safe, calm
and relaxed like a baby in a cradle.

- Over 200 pages of – “I didn’t know that!” – tips, hints, and
references you need to know for the best kind of alternative health
insurance for both prevention and self-treatment.


…getting sick these days could mean winding up in the poor house soon


The U.S. spends almost three times more on healthcare than any other
country in the world, but it ranks last in life expectancy among many of
the wealthiest industrialized countries.

How f@#cking embarrassing.

Click here to read inside at AMAZON:

You can't live young or raise a healthy family without this book!

To push you over the edge, right now, buy 3 copies and Ill send
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That's right! Order from Amazon and forward your receipt to and I'll promptly send you
a coupon code for 15% off ANY THREE PRODUCTS!

I'll also forward you my wife's HONEY SWEETENED CHOCOLATE CAKE

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Let's get it done! Take charge of your health, ADD PRODUCTIVE YEARS

Dare to live young,

The People's Chemist

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