Subject: Chemist: Compare this to antibiotics!!!

Chemist Alert: Compare this to antibiotics!


From Shane “The People’s Chemist” Ellison, M.S.

- Bachelor's degree in biology

- Master’s degree in organic chemistry

- Abandoned his career as a pharmaceutical chemist

- Helps people ditch their meds to live a healthier life

- Author of 3 Worst Meds & Over-the-Counter Natural Cures Expanded


No sick day in years at work & school…


Immune FX is a natural formula that helps boost white blood cells and
in your immune system.

It forces them to do a better job at fighting germs and viruses.

No reported side effects as more people use this as an alternative.

Immune FX has no risky medication interactions!

As a medicinal chemist of over 20 years, I’ve used my Immune FX formula
to ward off illness for me, my wife and four kids. Whether it was to
prevent infection or overcome a harsh cough, cold, strep throat or flu, it has
always worked wonders for us.

No exaggeration!

Let's Be Honest...

Do you sanitize the shopping cart before touching it?

Do you pull out your handkerchief when opening doors and using the gas

Do you use your foot to push down the public toilet handle?

And shaking hands???

No way, Jose!

Because, just like that, you can have an unwanted guest virus or
germ in you.

# As an all-natural medicinal chemist for over twenty years, I know which
(exotic) plants to use for its specific chemicals when formulating health

Hello. My name is Shane Ellison, and I used to be a pharmaceutical chemist.
I studied and helped formulate drugs/meds.


…I dropped them like a bad habit, and now I formulate natural products to
help people ditch their meds.

Like this one:

Immune FX – helps boost white blood cells and antibodies 
in your
immune system. It forces them to do a better job at fighting germs and viruses! science terms, Immune FX is known as an adaptogen. It enhances
your bodies ability to adapt to infectious threats!!!!!

As a chemist/father of four kids, I’ve used my formula to ward off
illness in my own family. Whether it was to prevent infection or overcome a
harsh cough, strep throat, cold or flu, it has always worked wonders for

Click here to see Immune FX, and to ask me questions:

How Immune FX works in protecting you and your family from germs and
viruses . . . including relieving asthma attacks:

It all starts in your immune system. So many people get sick at the drop of
a hat because they have a weak immune system.

The immune system is a large mass of white blood cells, antibodies and the
areas in your body that store them. They are stored in places like your
spleen, blood vessels, small intestine, lymph nodes . . . waiting to attack
and kill any foreign invaders.

The all-natural chemicals in Immune FX works by stimulating your immune
system so it can produce more and function better.

It‘s pretty simple, actually.

Think of it as any other kind health product that has its own unique
that act in the body to help protect and heal.

…Immune FX is much stronger for the BIG threats out there.

Once infected, how many long, miserable days 
does it take for you and
your family to feel better?

Think about that. How long does it take?

Stop missing out on life over illness!

Click here to try Immune FX:

Let me know what you and your family think of Immune FX. I’d love to know
how well it helps protect you throughout 2020, and beyond.

# Always remember: food and plants are preventive medicine. And the best
way to stay healthy is to stay off cane sugar!

Get Immune FX into your medicine cabinet now!!!!


Dare to Live Young!

The People's Chemist

P.S. Immune FX is the sure-fire way to stay healthy even when everyone
around you is hacking, sneezing and feeling miserable! Even for
skin infections! Immune FX protects:


"I am 64 years young. My first experience with fall allergies was when I
was pregnant with my first child at 23. Until the first frost every year I
was miserable with bad allergy symptoms which always ended in a continuous
sinus infection until we had the first frost. I trusted doctors and took
all the prescribed antibiotics and medications they recommended and endured
until winter. I am now very allergic to most antibiotics because of all the
treatments. In the last ten years the sinus infections changed to Asthma.
This was a whole new ball game. When you can't breath it is a bit scary so
again I listened to the doctors and did what they prescribed. DRUGS!

As I have become older and wiser, I have become more conscience of my
health and lost a lot of the trust in the Medical Profession. I have looked
for other sources to stay healthy. I have been taking vitamins, eating
healthier and reading to see what other choices I had.

My sister, Elizabeth and I are on an ongoing quest to stay healthy and
young. This fall, which has been an especially long one all my symptoms
returned. I was back to breathing treatments, fear and other drugs.
Elizabeth had been reading Shane's books and told me she was sending me
something called Immune FX that she wanted me to try.

Right away I saw a difference. It has been nothing short of a miracle.
Within a few days I could go outside and not start to wheeze. I am taking
no drugs and have had no more breathing treatments. The difference is night
and day. I feel great! Immune FX will be my go to every fall and I am
anxious to see what other products you have I will fall in love with." *
— Jill C., Arnold, Maryland