Subject: Chemist: COVID-Life for Teens!

The People's Chemist
COVID-19 Life 
For Teenagers
That lab book entry was 2015...

My daughter, Lily, was well on her way to making master batches of luxury soap...something that few adults or soap companies have mastered.

She was a freshman in high school.

She was up against a new school, ruthless peers, sports, clubs and a new class schedule.

Too much to focus on. 

I thought for sure soap would get tossed aside.

What life would she live? 

Would she tackle the pressure of college? 

Trade school?

Who would she become?

I refused to buy her a car, a phone. Anything really.  

Meanwhile, I was living my dream. 

I wanted to pass on a work ethic, not money.

Calluses formed between us.  

We grew apart.

But I stuck by her side.  Always sure to give her my most valuable riches:  How to use a lab book. 

“Attack the world, write down what works, and repeat. You got everything you need; matter, energy, space and time. Go f@#kin crazy and never apologize for creating you.”

And with that she looked inward instead of outward. 

Nothing her peers were doing made any sense.  

The military tested them at lunch time...Lily opted out.  

The colleges hounded them...Lily got a full ride to an Ivy League school.

She won state championships for her entrepreneurial endeavors.

Always marking up that lab book, she made her own marks in life.

She found her focus. And today while her peers are choking on society’s demands to shelter-in, wear masks and distance themselves, she's not falling for the BS.

She's been here before...learning about "founding fathers," a Parrallelogram and that marijuana is a "gateway drug."  It was all one big lie, like coronavirus....and when you buy into just one of them, you're buying into all of them...and before you know it you're living a life that you have no control over.

Instead, you have masters.

And with that, she tossed the scholarship into the trash and everything else conventional wisdom tried to choke her with.

...she got back to her lab book.

Not even a year out of school, Lily has moved out of the house, fell in love with Case (what up, Case!) and they've built the Internet’s largest, handmade soap company (

She’s proof that there’s better sh#t out there than what your being shown!


Same too if you're on meds...tragically, if you're taking a single medication right now, you're living "not to die," nearly dead.  

You're not living young.

There's a better way...It starts with your hormones!

Getting your hormones in check while ditching the meds is how you get your life and your dreams don't do it living under the tyranny of a BS virus.

======> Learn how 6 simple habits can restore total health in a matter of weeks:

Dare to Live Young!

The People's Chemist
The People's Chemist, 3600 Cerrillos Dr. #301A-802, Santa Fe, New Mexico 87507, United States
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