Subject: Chemist: Biblical Cure Everyone Should Know About

Biblical Cure Everyone Should Know About!

Chemist Alert: Protect Your Memory!!!!

From Shane “The People’s Chemist” Ellison, M.S.

- Bachelor's degree in biology

- Master’s degree in organic chemistry

- Abandoned his career as a pharmaceutical chemist

- Helps people ditch their meds to live young

- Author of 3 Worst Meds & more


Life expectancy today has doubled since the 1800s. This increased
longevity is unfortunately coupled to an epidemic in memory loss,
dementia and Alzheimer’s disease.

It can happen fast or slow. But regardless, it’s one of the quickest ways to diminish your functional lifespan.

Medicinal chemists have been scrambling for a cure. Looking through the annals of history, they’ve discovered great promise in the biblical cure, Frankincense.

If you want robust memory and focus, pay attention.

You can think of your memory as a machine and inflammation as rust. If not protected, the sands of time can erode parts of the brain that harbor the gears of mindfulness, recall and recognition. Scientists have identified this thief of age-related memory as inflammation.

Frankincense resin has proven to be nature’s crown jewel for preventing “rust” throughout the body.

It’s offered relief for rheumatoid arthritis, Crohn’ s disease and
cancer by halting the inflammation that feeds all three. More recently, the sticky, milk white resin has been shown to put out the flames of inflammation that attack the memory centers of our brain.

-------> Learn how to start putting Frankincense to work for you in my Daily Dose at - Save 15% and get FREE shipping when you add 3 to cart!

Neurological Sciences was among the first medical journals to highlight the profound memory protecting and enhancing effects of Frankincense. They showed that the resin has long been used in Ayurveda (India's traditional medicine) to prevent amnesia. 

Their findings showed that the natural medicine spurred neuron growth, resulting in boosted memory as well as recall!

The memory enhancing effects of Frankincense resin have been attributed to the active ingredients, boswellic acids. Once ingested, they work to dampen the production of enzymes that spark inflammation - 5-Lipoxygenase.

These enzymes are the culprits in the formation of amyloid plaques in the brain, which lead to Alzheimer’s disease!

Big Pharma has been attempting to produce numerous drug cocktails to target these enzymes. But all have ended in failure. 

Eli Lilly's solanezumab failed to perform better than a placebo and only came with side effects. Pfizer had to trash their drug bapineuzumab, when it didn't surpass placebo effects among Alzheimer’s patients. 

 Thus, Frankincense remains the crown jewel for warding off memory-eroding effects of age!

That means you can start using Frankincense extracts - boswellic acids - right now, without side effects or risky medication interactions!

-------> Learn how to start putting Frankincense to work for you in my Daily Dose at - Save 15% and get FREE shipping when you add 3 to cart!

Dare to live young,

The People's Chemist

P.S. If you are taking a multi-vitamin you might be HARMING your
health! Learn more at

The People's Chemist, 3600 Cerrillos Dr. #301A-802, Santa Fe, New Mexico 87507, United States
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