Subject: ~Chemist Alert: Pregnant Moms!

What if the prenatal vitamins were the problem, not the solution!?

As a father of four and a chemist, I've been warning about prenatal
vitamins for almost two decades!

At least one mom listened! After ditching the prenatals, she went
natural to avoid diabetes and high blood pressure!

"Hello! I wanted to share my personal experience so far with using Cinnergy
and Cardio FX during my pregnancy. I just turned 42 and am 7
months pregnant with my 5th baby."

"When I discovered I was pregnant I had been in the process of losing
weight because I am considered obese. My initial blood work showed my
A1C at 5.4. Because I am "advanced maternal age" and I was diagnosed
with chronic pre-hypertension and gestational diabetes.

"I have been taking 3 Cardio FX in the morning and 3 in the evening, as well
as 1 Cinnergy before breakfast and 1 before dinner everyday since I found
out I was pregnant"

"This past Monday I refused that nasty Glucose drink and had my blood
drawn for A1C instead to check for gestational diabetes. Wouldn't you know it,
my A1C is now at4.7!!!"

"Also, my blood pressure hasn't been high yet but has actually been
getting better each check up!! I am excited and hopeful that I will bust my
OB's labeling of me following the norm he's used to seeing in that most of
his patients end up with gestational diabetes and preeclampsia!! Thank you
so much for your knowledge and kick-ass products that actually work!!"

Cardio FX and Cinnergy are great for soon-to-be-moms...but even better, is
avoiding prenatals! (Found at

Read my ALERT here to learn more:

Dare to live young,

The People's Chemist