Subject: Chemist Alert: Kids, Holidays...and meds. know, with four kids, I can’t help but look forward to the holidays.

Each year is different from the last and more rewarding - not so much
because of the gifting and the treats, but because it's a time to reflect.

It’s nostalgic, more than anything.

And as my kids grow, the experience changes…this year my oldest received
a letter in the mail awarding her with a huge scholarship to Whittier - for
her academics and writing. She got that letter Monday. It made for a
great Christmas surprise.

At 17 years old, it's been bumpy. There have been times of total panic,
total reward, and total confusion. But we never for once thought about
medicating her!

But that isn't the case nationwide!

While kids are always the focus of the holidays, they're also the focus
of mass medication!

Andrew Thibault (co-founder of Parents Against Pharmaceutical Abuse or
PAPA) recently wrote about the growing trend of violence and suicide among
teens on meds. He described how a 14-year-old foster child hung herself,
after her psychiatrist increased her doses of Vyvanse and Zoloft…

Not only is this sad, it’s outrageous.

And I’ll tell you where the problem starts.

It begins with the wrongful diagnosis of ADHD. That’s what starts the
prescription merry-go-round.

Thibault points out that, “A recent Canadian study found youth
prescribed ADHD drugs were thirteen times more likely to be prescribed
antipsychotic medications, and almost four times more likely to be
prescribed antidepressant medications than children who were not prescribed
ADHD drugs.”

It’s a sh#t show.

You can’t pretend to care for kids over the holiday and let them get
medicated to death the rest of the year.

If a drug is causing a cascade of additional health problems, then it
doesn’t qualify as a “treatment.” It qualifies as criminal.

“Research suggests drug treatment of ADHD unleashes a domino effect,
triggering more psychiatric diagnoses, which in turn lead to risky
polypharmacy. The cascading reactions associated with drug treatment of
ADHD are especially disturbing, considering many children have been
misdiagnosed with ADHD in the first place,” write Thibault.

…Translation: think twice before letting some psychiatrist slam your
child with ADHD meds.

Vyvanse — a prescription drug used to “treat” ADHD and binge-eating
disorder results in rapid or irregular heartbeat, delirium, panic,
psychosis, and heart failure.

Zoloft — a nightmare drug often used to “treat” depression is an SSRI
(selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor). It’s believed to affect the
levels of the neurotransmitter serotonin. But doesn’t f%cking work, and
often compounds aggression, suicude and violence.

If you go on the manufacturer's website itself, they clear state:

antidepressant medicines may increase suicidal thoughts or actions in some
people 24 years of age and younger, especially within the first few months
of treatment or when the dose is changed.”

How does it make any sense to give kids a drug that can increase suicidal

Harvard-trained psychiatrist Peter Breggin, MD, warned, “Whenever you put
children on multiple psychiatric drugs you are creating an experiment that
is doomed to do more harm than good ... We need to stop experimenting on
America’s children.”


In his book “Your Drug May Be Your Problem,” Dr. Breggin showed that
antidepressants were no more effective than dummy (sugar) pills in his
clinical trials. To his dismay, he also discovered that antidepressants can
actually push depressed people further over the edge. Sadly, this truth is
being confirmed as more and more kids are taking their own lives, thanks to
these meds.

Big Pharma buried these detrimental findings in an avalanche of false

Psychiatry meds are a full-on marketing scam.

Even Stuart Shipko, MD, a psychiatrist himself, asks: “How do
psychiatrists get up in the morning and damage people all day long while
pretending to help them?”

Exactly! Great f#cking question!

Simply stepping into a psychiatrist’s office can put you or your
child’s life at risk.

What can you do to protect yourself and your loved ones? Start by reading
my book, “Over-the-Counter Natural Cures Expanded.”

It includes an entire chapter on how to ward off depression and anxiety
naturally…WITHOUT drugs! Read it, study, and make your own informed
decisions. The information just may save a life!

Order your copy now:

Dare to live young,

The People’s Chemist

P.S. There’s no question that major depression brings suffering.
Depression can make life feel unbearable, crippling willpower,
productivity, and responsibility. It can cause physical symptoms such as
fatigue, decreased appetite, and pain.

But are dangerous psychiatric meds really the answer to this problem?

Pummeling kids with random psychiatric meds goes against the first
principle of medicine: Do no harm. To protect yourself and your loved ones,
make sure to read my book, “Over-the-Counter Natural Cures Expanded.”
It includes a chapter on how to ward off depression naturally.

Order your copy here:

P.P.S. Essential Greens will be back in stock March 1. Low stock on
Daily Dose and Whey Advanced! Stock up at
before the New Year rush!