Subject: ~Chemist Alert! Flying Banner over World Series!!!!


“Should I vaccinate?”

As a medicinal chemist, it’s one of the questions I get the most.

Unfortunately, it’s impossible to answer without getting labeled,
censored, or attacked. Public vaccine commentary has been shut down by a
pharmaceutically complaint media. They insist that anything contrary to the
pro-vaccine stance is either quackery, anti-vaccine, or both.

This is absurd.

Every medicine involves an inherent risk. Regardless of
whether or not you support it, there’s always going to be pros and cons
for each individual. For example, if we find the Fountain of Youth
tomorrow, some people are going to live forever after being showered by its
healing waters, others will choke or drown.

Vaccine censorship must stop.

And to that end, I'm flying a banner over game 3 of The World Series...

And that happens in 30 minutes!!!

Flying just over the Dodgers Stadium, look for my "Stop Lying About Vaccines!"

For too long we've let the pharmaceutically compliant media stomp
out the true voice of parents and children...the voices that have been
harmed and even silenced by premature death caused by vaccines.

If we want to end it, we need to let people know they are lying about

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Share far and wide!

Dare to live young,

The People's Chemist

P.S. Learn how to ditch the vaccines and meds with new book:!
Share your review, too! Make your voice be heard!

P.P.S. Need a multi-vitamin that's not synthetic? Learn more at