Subject: ~Chemist Alert: COVID-19 in 2021!

The People's Chemist
Chemist Alert: COVID-19 in 2021!
I’ve been The People's Chemist for 19 years!

Back then, I had just walked away from an award-winning career as a medicinal chemist for Pharma.  Lea-Ann and I had a 1- year old.  We called her business baby.  She hated laughing at silly antics and had a fierce independence that other parents envied.

Leaving the lab was hard.  

That's an understatement.  

Out of high school, I had spent 8 years studying organic chemistry like an astronaut preparing himself for the moon landing.  Good medicine was my mission.

I sacrificed friends, funerals, birthdays and almost my damn wife - I put the library before EVERYTHING.  That all parlayed into academic scholarships and plenty of accolades that were written on numerous awards and certificates.

But when you walk away from Pharma, there's no going back. 

I had a wild card.

My expertise was botanical medicine.  Every prescription drug today has its roots in nature!  That means for every risky med, there's a safer, natural alternative that doesn't require a doctor's prescription!


That's how The People's Chemist was born - I quit the lab to teach people how to live young without the orange pill bottles, the liver failure, the kidney assault and the mass graves that result from "meds!"

In 2020, this mission hit the masses the hardest.  The side effect was product shortages the entire year.

The COVID threat and Lamestream Media's constant fear campaign shoved people into their homes. The Gestapo-like infringements forced people to learn more about The Medical-Industrial Complex.  Then they found The People's Chemist.

As we go into 2021, the COVID-19 scare will be compounded by a COVID-19 mutation or whatever helps drive sales of the experimental vaccine courtesy of "Project Warp Speed." 

The People's Chemist is here...and I'm making a pledge to NOT RUN OUT OF PRODUCT IN 2021!

That pledge will last...but let's be real.  I can't always predict massive sales.  And in the age of censorship, it's nearly impossible for me to get a real look at how many people I'll reach this year.

(Facebook shut my account down for helping people ditch meds...)

Regardless, just this morning I confirmed that we are FULL STOCK!  All products are shipping at

Dare to Live Young!

The People's Chemist
The People's Chemist, 3600 Cerrillos Dr. #301A-802, Santa Fe, New Mexico 87507, United States
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