Subject: ~Chemist ALERT: The "Veggie Cap"


The U.S. Attorney’s office in Manhattan is cracking down on Swiss drug company, Novartis AG.

The crime?

Novartis hosted 80,000 “sham” events to bribe doctors into prescribing unsafe and unproven meds...

What were those meds?

All of them.

The ones you see on YouTube, TV and hear about on the radio.  

They're the ones your doctor prescribes and most people dutifully take...

They're the ones that are robbing you of your health.

And they make billions thanks to "sham events," for which Novartis was fined 3 billion for!

Sham events are part of the massive fraud that exists in the industry. For a doctor it’s quite a sweet deal…you get free food, free booze, free vacations and an ego boost to give a “seminar."  In exchange, you push Novartis drugs on unsuspecting people who don’t need them…while swindling other physicians to do the same.

It’s incredibly lucrative for the scumbag doctors who participate...and most do, surprisingly.

Meanwhile, DUMB a$s Americans whine about the most trivial shit.

Want proof?

Glad you asked...

I just got an email from a lady who wants to report me to the Better Business Bureau (BBB) for cussing and railing against conspiracy nut, Alex Jones. 

“Your unprofessionalism is outrageous and I suspect your business practices are just as shoddy,” she insisted. 

(Words spoken by someone who knows nothing about my business practices.)

If you get your health info from Alex Jones, you should be banned from the Internet...just sayin.

There's more...

I get weekly emails from frail vegans complaining about my use of gelatin caps. 

“When will you wake up and stop using animal products?” they plea, while their flesh rots away due to nutrient deficiency and muscle wasting. 

I try to be nice by assuring them I only euthanize ugly puppies to make my gelatin capsules…to save people from the glue-like, semi-synthetic, hypromellose disguised as “veggie caps.”

Wait, did you get that?

Veggie caps aren't veggie in any way, shape or form.

They are a GLUE.

Here is what the pharmaceutical manufacturer says about veggie caps, I mean hypromellose:

"Hypromellose, or hydroxypropyl methylcellulose (HPMC), is a semisynthetic, inert, and viscoelastic polymer that forms a colloid solution when dissolved in water. It acts as a thickening agent, coating polymer, bioadhesive, solubility enhancer in solid dispersions, and binder in the process of granulation and in modified release formulations. It is a commonly used as a delivery component in oral pharmaceutical products that provides the release of a drug in a controlled fashion..."

As you can see, the REAL issues are ignored or unseen. 


I've never run a sham event.

I've never bribed a doctor.

But I have said Alex Jones was a f@#cking nut job and that
veggie caps are poison...

You don't have to like me...heck, I probably don't even like you if you're the type to make quick judgements, watch Oprah and rant and rave about how much you love veggie 
caps, whoops, I mean hypromellose.

BTW, side effects include: blurred vision and the inability to absorb water and nutrients.

(Glue in your gut and intestines is bad)

Whether it’s complaining about my cussing or bitching about capsules, people are just too stupid to see the real problems.

Bribery happens all the time in medicine. But nobody really seems to give a shit.

Novartis made $57.9 billion in sales in ONE YEAR, ranking #1 among the world-wide industry. According to a Bloomberg report, the U.S. government claims that Novartis “defrauded federal health-care programs of hundreds of millions of dollars for over a decade.”

A $3 billion dollar fine is's advertising, if anything...

That just warms my heart. I bet the CEO gets a Nobel Prize…or is put on the cover of Time.

Let's not forget, doctors were bribed to prescribe Celebrex as “the safest pain killer in history.” It killed about 50,000 according to the FDA.

Doctors are bribed to prescribe ineffective and risky Lipitor (cholesterol-lowering drug) by the fistful. Same for blood pressure meds…the list goes on. And every single drug decreases quality of life and lifespan.

What’s the outcome of all this bribery? A staggering death toll caused by “properly used” prescription drugs.

According to the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) and the Institute of Medicine (IOM), one person dies every 5 minutes from an “approved” drug – almost 300 deaths every day. That’s twice as many fatalities in a single year as the total number of U.S. deaths [58,000] from the Vietnam War. This doesn’t even include the 98,000 killed every year by medical error and over 35,000 overdose deaths from pain pills.

…And the troglodytes reading this are worried about my cussing?

True, I don’t have PR strategists, polished TV appearances, speaking gigs with neatly organized slideshows, or social media pages that successorize my life…And I don’t swoon customers into believing a polished, spit-shined image of self-created bullshit.  

That’s what Big Pharma and the medical doctors are doing today…to get you hooked on meds.

As The People’s Chemist, I really don’t give a shit what you think about me, my language, or my business practices. I’m simply the lone voice of reason for people who want to live young without the risky meds…and without following doctors’ advice, which is leading America off a medical cliff.

There's a few of them out there, believe it or not.

I don’t care about the over-socialized, pieces-of-shit who make health decisions based on neatly packaged messages with all the politically correct words, carefully strewn together so as not to insult someone.

That approach is actually contributing to the problem, because it stops people from speaking the truth. In turn, it gives tyrants an even bigger PLATFORM from which to work — while desecrating the populace for their own monetary gain.

We’re “One Nation Under Meds”…thanks to companies like Novartis and people who can't see the real culprits.

You see, Big Pharma and its political allies would be powerless in getting us hooked on meds if it weren't for a gaping deficiency in thinking that has become the norm in today's tweet-heavy society. 
Faced with this extraordinary anti-intellectualism, facts and logic are powerless in showing how “following doctors orders” is today’s most imminent threat as well as, historically, man’s biggest downfall.

Novartis sought a hearing from a judge. They claimed the government “exploded” the size of the case. Yeah right…and I’m a part-time pirate. Arrr, hear me now, ye!

Is anyone wondering about the patients who were wrongly prescribed the meds?!?

In “One Nation Under Meds,” it’s never about patients’ health in America. It’s all about the drug sales.

Novartis is still bribing doctors.  


For the handful of intelligent readers…don’t let a bribe-able doctor determine your fate. Get off the meds so you can live a healthier more active life: 

If the book isn’t as amazing as I say it is, send it back to me and I’ll buy you any book of your choice, in return!

Dare to live young,

The People’s Chemist

P.S. Imagine that…doctors doling out drugs merely as a “thank you” for getting wined and dined…courtesy of companies like Novartis. Seriously? Get off the meds. In most cases, you don’t need them anyway. Find out how to do this safely by reading 

The People's Chemist, 3600 Cerrillos Dr. #301A-802, Santa Fe, New Mexico 87507, United States
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