Subject: ~Chemist ALERT: The Sweetener That EXPLODES Internally!

The People's Chemist - Straight Talk
Splenda: The Sweetener That EXPLODES Internally!
From Shane "The People's Chemist" Ellison, M.S.
Bachelor's degree in biology

  • Master's degree in organic chemistry
  • Abandoned his career as a pharmaceutical chemist
  • Helps people ditch their meds to live young
  • Author of 3 Worst Meds & more
As a medicinal chemist, I've enjoyed combining a myriad of atoms in the lab to make everything from cleaning supplies to medicine.

Each one has it's own challenges and risks...But nothing compares to the risks associated with Splenda!

Full Censorship

When I started becoming vocal about the deadly sweetener, the manufacturer began harassing me and every company that published my findings.  They even got YouTube to remove my anti-splenda vids!

Jokes On Splenda Users

Splenda (chemical name, sucralose) was strategically released on April fools day in 1998. This day is reserved worldwide for hoaxes and practical jokes on friends and family,
the aim of which is to embarrass the gullible. 

McNeil certainly succeeded because it's not a sweetener, nor is it safe - millions are spent trying to offset the illness' caused by Splenda!

In fact, the splendid Splenda hoax is costing gullible Americans $187 million annually!  

While many people “wonder” about the safety of Splenda they rarely question it. Despite its many “unknowns” and inherent dangers, Splenda demand has grown faster than its supply.

(No longer do I have to question my faith in fellow Man. He is not a total idiot, just a gullible one. McNeil jokesters are laughing all the way to the bank.)

Splenda is not as harmless as its manufacturer McNeil wants you to believe.

Potential Splenda Side Effect Are*:

Reduce Good Gut Bacteria
Release Toxins
Seizures, Dizziness, and Migraines
Blurred Vision
Allergic Reactions
Blood Sugar Increases and Weight Gain
Liver damage 

(Chemist ALERT: heal with

What is Splenda, Really?

Splenda contains the drug sucralose - man made, and toxic. This chemical is 600 times sweeter than sugar. 

To make sucralose, chlorine is used. Chlorine has a split personality. It can be harmless or it can be life threatening.

Let me explain.

In combo with sodium, chlorine forms a harmless “ionic bond” to yield table salt. Sucralose makers often highlight this worthless fact to defend
its’ safety. Stupid. Apparently, they missed the second day of Chemistry 101 – the day they teach “covalent” bonds.

When used with carbon, the chlorine atom in sucralose forms a “covalent” bond. This is drastically different than a salty "ionic" bond.

...the end result of chlorine bonding covalently to carbon is the historically deadly “organochlorine” or simply: a Really-Nasty Form of Chlorine (RNFOC).

Unlike ionic bonds, covalently bound chlorine atoms are a big no-no for the human body. They yield insecticides, pesticides, and herbicides – not something you want in the lunch box of your precious child. 

It’s therefore no surprise that the originators of sucralose, chemists Hough and Phadnis, were attempting to design new insecticides when they discovered the lab-derived chemical!

It wasn’t until the young Phadnis accidentally tasted his new “insecticide” that he learned it was sweet. And because sugars are more profitable than insecticides, the whole insecticide idea got canned and a new sweetener called Splenda got packaged.

"Made from Sugar" My A$$

To hide its dirty origin, Splenda pushers assert that sucralose is “made from sugar so it tastes like sugar.” 

Sucralose is as close to sugar as Windex is to ocean water.

People believe this like they believe COVID-19 crossed oceans, set up shop in the air and waited like a sniper to penetrate your mask...

Like I said, STOOOOOPID!

Back to that covalent bonded chlorine...

The RNFOC poses a real and present danger to all Splenda users. It’s risky because the RNFOC confers a molecule with a set of super powers that
wreak havoc on the human body. 

For example, Agent Orange, used in the U.S
Army’s herbicidal warfare program, is a RNFOC. Exposure can lead to Hodgkin’s lymphoma and non-Hodgkins lymphoma as well as diabetes and
various forms of cancer! 

Other shocking examples are the war gas phosgene, chlordane and lindane. The RNFOC is lethal because it allows poisons to be fat soluble while rendering the natural defense mechanisms of the body helpless.

A poison that is fat soluble is akin to a bomb exploding internally. It invades every nook and cranny of the body. Cellular membranes and DNA – the genetic map of human life – become nothing more than potential casualties of war when exposed. 

Sucralose is only 25% water soluble. This means a vast majority of it may explode internally among your FAT tissues. 

In general, this results in weakened immune function, irregular heart beat, agitation,
shortness of breath, skin rashes, headaches, liver and kidney damage, birth defects, cancer, cancer and more cancer – for generations!

McNeil asserts that their studies prove it to be safe for everyone, even children. That’s little assurance. Learning from the Vioxx debacle which
killed tens of thousands, we know that studies can be bought and results fabricated.

Some things are worth dying for. Splenda is not one of them.

What people think of as a food is a drug or slow poison – little distinction there. It wouldn’t be wise to bet your health on it. If safe, sucralose would be the first molecule in human history that contained a RNFOC fit for human consumption. This fact alone makes sucralose questionable for use as a sweetener, if not instantly detrimental to our health. Only time will tell. Until then, I’ll stick to the safe and naturally occurring stevia plant
to satisfy my occasional sweet tooth.

Dare to live young,

The People's Chemist

P.S. Your liver need to be rejuvenated? Save 15% when you add 3 to your cart and get FREE shipping: - True medicinal cinnamon and milk thistle!

Time To Ditch The Meds!
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