Subject: Chemist: 8 Tricks to a Younger Body

8 Tricks to a Younger Body

By Shane “The People’s Chemist” Ellison, M.S.

- Bachelor’s degree in biology
- Master’s degree in organic chemistry
- Abandoned his career as a pharmaceutical chemist
- Helps people ditch their meds to live young
- Author of 3 Worst Meds & more

It's All About Cellular Turnover

The principle for optimal health and sports performance is the same whether you’re training for an elite athletic event or just tackling life’s daily challenges to live young — you must ensure proper “cellular turnover.”

For 23 years, my wife and I have been dedicated to athletic pursuits.  In fact, we met at the gym when she was 18!  As we got older, our physical endeavors have continued.  She won The Arnold Amateur as a mom of 2 and recently competed and won at the state level as mom of 4, all ages! 

I’ve competed at the highest level of Brazilian jiu jitsu. And together, we’ve tackled home births, mountain bike races, Olympic lifting, Crossfit, half marathons, adventure racing, and whatever else could give us the endorphin high of exceeding our athletic limits — all while raising 4 insanely active kids. 

In our 40’s now, we feel more like science experiments than athletes. 

Most of our peers are clinically obese or skinny fat and choking down a handful of toxic pills under the guise of “health care.”  
And sadly, that sh#t has become the norm.  Sure, we’re going to age, get old and die.  But not without riding the f@#king wheels off of life – at the top of our game – free of medications!

From broken ankles and collar bones, to torn ligaments (ACL, MCL and meniscus) and twisted knees and even concussions and neck injuries, we’ve experienced it all.  

And we’ve recovered from it all.

We never went to the doctor.

Every last injury was overcome and healed naturally.  

Corporate Health Insurance Fraud!

In fact, we refuse any and all health insurance and instead have our own “insurance savings” that has grown to massive proportions over the two decades since starting it!  It’s even paid for vacations around the world…meanwhile, most of our peers are being legally-robbed by politicians who work for the fraudulent health insurance cartel.

Our ongoing cycle of injury and successful recovery has taught us more in twenty years than any book, physician or even chemist could teach.

…after many years of research, I’ve learned that total health and happiness can only come from one thing - o
ur bodies’ own ability to heal through cellular turnover.

3 Side Effects of Poor Cellular Turnover

Very few people are benefitting from cellular turnover. 

Among teens and adults alike, there’s an epidemic of:

1. Poor recovery

2. Improper weight management

3. Frequent injury

This unhealthy trio is the leading cause of ruined health and athletic careers. Obesity and nagging injuries become plagues, and most people never recover. In time, these issues lead to hormonal imbalances (low testosterone among athletes), depression, diabetes, and even cancer.
It’s not supposed to be like this.

Conquer Your Surroundings!

The human body was designed to conquer its surroundings with total health, naturally. If you can’t exercise or enjoy the physical activity that makes you tick, you simply can’t live young. And if you can’t learn how to recover from the onslaught of activity, aging becomes a curse rather than a blessing.

You Might Want To Stop Reading Here!

Before I explain cellular turnover further, it’s imperative to understand this:

Being agile, quick, flexible, and strong can easily last well into your later years! But only if you learn to support your body’s natural healing ability to renew or regenerate itself. 

This is the essence of cellular turnover. 

Although you won’t hear your doctor or nutritionist talk about it, maximizing and ensuring cellular turnover is the definitive way to live young — while enjoying better libido, youthful energy, and optimal lean body mass. 

If you’re currently overweight, stop reading! Nothing hinders cellular turnover more than excess fat. Therefore, before harnessing cellular turnover to become a better athlete and healthier person, you need to achieve your best weight! Start now here: 

How Cellular Turnover Works

Exercise is simply the breakdown (injury) of muscle tissue. To repair, the body replaces old cells with new ones. It’s like a lizard that replenishes its tail via “molting.”
In a normal, healthy body, 30 trillion cells live in a complex, interdependent relationship, regulating the replenishment and replacement of cells. These cells work in unison to guide immune function, organ function, and hormone function. It’s an extremely orchestrated collaboration that causes our body to build anew every few years!

You can think of cellular turnover as the invisible force that guides the body’s ability to heal. Without it, we’re operating on injured, decayed, aging cells.

If cellular turnover is hindered, senescence — the deterioration of cell function — gradually increases and we age prematurely. This explains why some people have “nagging” injuries — their bodies are not fully healing through cellular turnover. Instead, senescence has gained momentum and like a rusty nail, the body begins to erode.
Cellular turnover is not newfangled science.

Forensic scientists use the phenomenon of “cell replacement” daily to measure the time of death at a crime scene. It’s simply a matter of looking at how long cells have ceased turnover to identify when a murder occurred. As a living and breathing human being, you want your cells actively being swapped out for newer, more energetic and supple ones on an ongoing basis. Otherwise, you’re like a corpse stuck in a moving body…the “living dead”! (You can see this in people who never fully healed and have permanent limps or hunched over postures.)

Once an old, brittle cell has been replaced with a newer one via cellular turnover, the mitochondria of that cell, along with the DNA and rDNA, become more robust and responsive to the environment. They adapt! The aged, diseased cells are removed and counterbalanced by natural selection! Ultimately, this allows for better life experience and survival. It’s the biological version of, “that which doesn’t kill you only makes you stronger.”

Due to the modern-day onslaught of:

• Prescription medications
• Artificial flavors
• Steroids
• Junk sports supplements (glutamine, vitamin D, folic acid, Gatorade, and so many more)
• Sugar

…our innate repair mechanism of cellular turnover has been dismantled! Obesity, poor recovery, and constant nagging injury or the inability to heal are side effects that hold athletes back in their careers while dampening their enjoyment of their sport. That’s because all of the above “products” and ingredients are toxic, foreign invaders to the body. In toxicology, they’re known technically as “xenobiotics.”

The Ravaging Effects of Foreign Substances in Your Body
A xenobiotic is anything that is foreign to the body. I refer to them as “chemical shit storms.” They’re the ultimate enemy to all athletes. 

Once ingested, foreign substances like sugar, artificial sweeteners and synthetic forms of vitamins like cholecalciferol (wrongly labeled as “vitamin D”), ascorbic acid (wrongly labeled as “vitamin C”), and prescription meds like Testosterone Replacement Therapy (TRT) ignite a flurry of inflammation that leads to liver and kidney stress, poor hormone balance, output and sensitivity (BOS) as well as obesity and depression. (Of course, these same things are also causing everyone in the population to become inactive, lethargic, and prone to aging prematurely.)

Ultimately, cellular turnover is impaired and aging and injury set in every time a foreign substance is fed to your body.

Go here to learn 8 tricks to activating cellular turnover to live young: CLICK NOW!

Dare to live young!

The People's Chemist
The People's Chemist, 3600 Cerrillos Dr. #301A-802, Santa Fe, New Mexico 87507, United States
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