Subject: ~Chemist: 24 Hours Only! (PIC!)

The People's Chemist
Chemist: 24 Hour Sale
Get Your Best Body!
Chemist: Severe Diabetes CURED!
When I was a graduate student in chemistry, I didn't have a car.

Therefore, all my free time was spent in the library, rather than commuting back and forth.

One late night, I came across a very old, dusty journal...   

Brushing off the dust, I opened and began reading about activating "beta-adrenergic receptors." A few minutes into it, I knew I had found the Holy Grail for fat loss and most of todays top killers like Type II diabetes!

...and it could be done without a single prescription med!

It was groundbreaking.

Not only would this solve the obesity crisis, but it would make most medications OBSOLETE!

…I wrote about it in Over-The-Counter Natural Cures Expanded.  And for the last 20 years, it has become known as Hormone Intelligence Therapy (HIT).

…Tom found it, when he needed it the most.

Faced with Type II diabetes and every complication that comes with it like:
  • Depression
  • High blood pressure
  • Fatigue
…he made a change, one day at a time.

Without insurance, medication like insulin and metformin were not an option.

"Many years ago, I was severely overweight with full blown type II diabetes. I had a sugar addiction. I drank one to two 2-liter bottles of soda per day," Tom writes.

"I felt depressed, with low self-esteem. Always physically and emotionally tired, no matter how much sleep I got. Very ashamed and embarrassed about my weight."

"Psychologically, my condition contributed to a 'snowball effect.' Sadly, it's a self-eating snake that hardly ever ends."

Bam. He just described almost everyone in America…

This is exactly what Big Food, Big Soda, and Big Pharma have conspired to turn us all into…

Depressed, overweight humans with no shot in life.

I asked Tom what motivated him to make a change in his health?!

"Most of my life, I didn't pay attention to my health. I took things for granted. Healthcare seemed to be something that was out of reach for me. When I first became diabetic, it hit me extra hard. I had next to no money and no health insurance. I was barely scraping by as a work-at-home software designer."

"Working was next to impossible. I remember countless times falling asleep at the keyboard to wake up hours later."

"I was also incredibly thirsty. This was the point when I realized my days of throwing caution to the wind were over. I knew I had to do something immediately."

Then he started focusing on his hormones!

"I followed the exact guidelines. I didn't have health insurance so I figured the book was my only shot!"

"…to my surprise, my diabetes symptoms subsided in a matter of days, so I knew this was the way!"

You read that right!

Tom's diabetes "subsided" in a matter of DAYS!

"Everything I learned from Hormone Intelligence Therapy (HIT) helped me change my entire lifestyle - where I saw my diabetes being reversed," writes Tom.

"Today at 40 years old, I'm thin and in good shape. I work out multiple times per week including killing it at the skating rink Friday and Saturday nights."

"I feel amazing. Not just because of all the weight I've lost, but from what I've overcome. I feel powerful—like I can destroy any obstacle in my path. I have a newfound happiness that is constant. I survive and thrive by eating way less food than I used to. I've discovered that eating healthy is actually cheaper."

"I've never been active like I am today. Even in high school I hated gym class. Now I can't wait to do something and get moving."

Now it's your turn!  

10 pounds overweight?

100 pounds overweight?

Anyone can do it.

----> SAVE HUGE WITH 20% OFF!!!!! Only 24 Hours!

You just have to lift a finger, press some buttons, and commit to investing just about $4 per day to living your best life: 

But go sloth on this offer, and it's gone!  Limited time only, work with me for 90 days and get everything you need to restore your hormone balance, output and sensitivity!


Dare to live young,

The People's Chemist

P.S. Tom adds… "The most important thing I learned from reading Shane's books, blog, and YouTube was how to think scientifically for myself… how to discern true science from fake science. Science is not as hard as people think. Anyone can learn to navigate the landscape."

"Ten or twenty years ago, I never would have imagined I'd be here today. Hitting rock bottom and pulling myself back up has allowed me to enjoy the rewards I have now. Looking back, I'm glad all of this happened, even getting diabetes. I'm happy because never have I had the life I have today. I want others who are suffering to experience what I'm experiencing right now. But they have to address and admit their sugar addiction in order to get there."

Amen! Well said, Tom!

If you want to change your health… start today. 


----> SAVE HUGE WITH 20% OFF!!!!! Only 24 Hours!
The People's Chemist, 3600 Cerrillos Dr. #301A-802, Santa Fe, New Mexico 87507, United States
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