Subject: Chemist: 21 YO's in World War II

Lesson from WWII Pilots!
(Your Health is Your Freedom!)

From Shane “The People’s Chemist” Ellison, M.S.

- Bachelor's degree in biology

- Master’s degree in organic chemistry

- Former pharmaceutical chemist

- Helps people ditch their meds to live young

- Author of 3 Worst Meds & more


The Average Age of WWII!

The average age of a WWII pilot was 21 years old.  

They flew P-51 Mustangs at speeds over 400 MPH...while getting shot at.  

The best pilots knew their enemy well enough to evade and kill.  They worked day and night in miserable conditions, risking life and death to protect their freedoms.

Not so much today.

Right now, hundreds of millions of young men are hiding in their homes, social distancing themselves, trolling social media and wearing MASKS...while watching the news.

The one thing they all have in common?

They're scared sh#tle$s.

And of what?

Let me give you a clue...

It's 1000 times smaller than a grain of salt.

It's broken into pieces by soap bubbles.

...and breaks into pieces at room temp...

Unlike bacteria, a plant or you and me, it's not even ALIVE!

Can you guess what it is?'s used by media and medical cartels to
scare the h#ll out of you, while taking away basic freedoms like: 

- Work
- Business
- The right to assembly
- Freedom of speech

Any guesses????

It's a virus!


No it's not scary at all, actually.

No virus is SCARY to the semi-educated 10 year old, even...

Here is a quick "virus primer."


A virus is nothing more than a stubby segment of atoms. They’re so small and fragile that the skin’s acidic pH can demolish it.  

So can sitting in the sun.

They aren’t something to fear!

There are hundreds, thousands, maybe even hundreds of thousands of viruses all around you! 

WWII pilots weren't afraid of enemy fire hammering down from the sky...but today, the world is fearing an invisible virus, yet they're already COVERED IN THEM - SINCE BIRTH!!!!!!!!

The real enemy is not a virus.  

It's stupidity.

And your freedom is absolutely dependent on your health intelligence!

Are you living young?  

If not, your life is going to get exponentially worse courtesy of meds.

Top killers?  Aspirin, blood thinners, statins and BP

These facts are so big they've been known to smash
coronavirus on contact.

You can ditch all of the above meds with one simple botanical blend of hawthorn, grape seed extract, garlic and magnesium.

Watch your BP plummet, your energy skyrocket and your focus sharpen, guaranteed!

Learn more at 

Dare to Live Young! 

The People's Chemist

P.S.  Cardio FX is 100% the most valuable botanical medicine for total cardiovascular health.  Doctor's know this too!

"Hawthorn medicinal extract has long been a favored herbal remedy in Europe. The active components of this slow-acting cardiotonic agent are thought to be flavonoids and oligomeric procyanidins. Reviews of placebo-controlled trials have reported both subjective and objective improvement in patients with mild forms of heart failure. Other studies of hawthorn in patients with heart failure have revealed improvement in clinical symptoms, pressure–heart rate product, left ventricular ejection fraction, and patients’ subjective sense of well-being.”

— STEPHEN DAHMER, MD, Beth Israel Continuum Center for Health and Healing, New York, New York. EMILIE SCOTT, MD, University of California at Irvine Medical Center, Orange, California. American Family Physician. 2010 Feb 15;81(4):465-468.

Learn more at

The People's Chemist, 3600 Cerrillos Dr. #301A-802, Santa Fe, New Mexico 87507, United States
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