Subject: ~Cane Sugar and Your Metabolism - Reverse the Curse


I call it the sugar curse.

When you eat sugar, your metabolism comes to a screeching halt.
And it's very difficult to get it back in motion.

It also revs up your aging hormones...

You can blame the hormone insulin. (Mostly.)

When you eat sugar, your body produces insulin to shuttle it from
the blood into the muscle, where it's burned as fuel.

Unfortunately, the body cannot burn fat while your pancreas is producing

I feel like I should write that 1000 times...

No matter what you do, sugar will suffocate your metabolic hormones.

But you can fix it, just like this fan:

"I was diabetic for over 20 yrs and got scared out of my wits when nerve
pain began to get worse and I had 3 trigger finger surgeries plus two
carpal tunnel hand surgeries. I’d been reading all the bad effects being
diabetic would occur. The reversal program said I needed to take Cinnergy
and like a miracle (among drastically altering my diet to low carb and
increased exercise), I overcame this awful disease
within 2 months!!! YAY DIABETES GONE!!"

Using Cinnergy, she forced her body to remove excess insulin and sugar!

As a pharmaceutical chemist, I formulated Cinnergy using very potent
extracts of cinnamon and milk thistle. Together, they force your cells
to remove sugar from the blood. The pancreas then halts the excess
production of insulin.

What happens next is usually considered a "miracle."

But, it's really just science.

When insulin production drops, the body produces an array of fat burning
hormones. Even better, your hormone balance, output and sensitivity is
greatly increased.

You get your life back!

Learn how Cinnergy can start working in weeks:

Ditch the meds!

The People's Chemist

P.S. Get this true cinnamon and milk thistle for 15% OFF when you buy
3 at