Subject: ~Cancer in Cheerios and more...

Thousands of cancer patients are suing Monsanto.

A multibillion dollar agrochemical company, Monsanto pollutes our farms,
sprays boat loads of pesticides over your fruit and vegetables…and puts
genetically-engineered hormones and crops into our food supply.

Dewayne Johnson, age 46, is a father of two and a former school
groundskeeper in California. He’s “the first of hundreds of cancer
patients to see his case against agrochemical giant Monsanto go to
trial,” reports CNN.

As part of his job, Johnson used Monsanto’s herbicide, “Roundup,”
which is used to kill weeds.

He “applied Roundup weed killer 20 to 30 times per year while working as
a pest manager for a county school system…and claims it gave him

The main ingredient in Roundup is glyphosate — which is categorized as
“probably carcinogenic to humans" by the World Health Organization’s International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC).

“Carcinogenic” means cancer-causing.

It's found in Cheerios and Lucky Charms, too!

If a product causes cancer, then why is it allowed to be sold and
distributed to the public?

Today, people are bombarded with toxins on a daily basis. This is courtesy
of “forced chemicalization,” which is code for “mass drugging.”

It's even found in top commercial soap brands! (Get FREE report outlining
the risks at

The average person pretty much has no choice but to be exposed to these

...and when you get cancer, they hit you with more chemicals in the name
of chemo.

Here's the deal, if you want to win the war on cancer, you need to have
a war on chemo and the chemicals causing it!

Today, Johnson’s body is covered in legions. He’s getting an expedited
trial because he’s dying.

Meanwhile, Monsanto insists that Roundup is “safe.” They have the
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) in their back pocket.

“More than 800 scientific studies, the U.S. EPA (Environmental Protection
Agency), the National Institutes of Health and regulators around the world
have concluded that glyphosate is safe for use and does not cause
cancer,” says Scott Partridge, Monsanto’s vice president of strategy.

Yawn…this is like Big Pharma claiming that prescription meds are
“safe,” even when the body count keeps piling up.

As a health-conscious individual, how can you protect yourself from the
onslaught of modern day toxins?

First, understand that your liver needs help.

Your liver is the delicate organ responsible for processing and removing
toxins from the body.

If you’re alive, then your liver is being pummeled daily by environmental

Over time, exposure to toxins can destroy your health. Whether you’re
breathing them in, eating them, drinking them, or rubbing them on your
skin…putting toxic chemicals into your body is a recipe for disaster.

You can support and protect your liver by using Cinnergy ( This is
my potent milk thistle + organic cinnamon combo, designed to give the liver
a boost.

Cinnergy aids and assists the liver in detoxifying the body. (Plus, it
makes you look and feel younger.)

Don’t wait for the court system to protect you…

Use to protect your body from environmental toxins!

Dare to live young,

The People’s Chemist

P.S. To protect yourself further, you can also supplement with Daily Dose
( It’s chock full of nutrients proven to BLOCK
CANCER from invading the body!

Among other nutrients, it contains curcumin — which protects against
cancer, purifies the blood, detoxes the liver, and improves digestion. It
can even help with skin infections, wound closure, and chronic pain.
Curcumin is also cancer repellant.

Stock up now: