Subject: ~"Cancer FREE after 5 Years!" (Nature's Survival Cure!)


When I wrote Over-The-Counter Natural Cures, I fully expected to
help people fight cancer...I new I had the best protocol, and was
standing on the shoulders of giants by digging up cures that
Pharma had buried.

Today's email proves how effective that protocol is:

"5 years after colon cancer in 2012 I am now totally 100% cancer-free in my
entire body thanks to the Curcumin you recommended in your book.  I
rejected chemo & radiation, choosing to bet my life on your natural

"I started with the Jarrow Curcumin 95 product 5 yrs ago.  When I learned
about the need for pepper to enhance absorption, I switched to another
brand. When you came out with Daily Dose (, I
switched to that. I've been taking it daily for the entire 5 years.  
Every time my CEA was checked, it never went up one bit!"

"Consequently, my recent 5-yr post-cancer colonoscopy was "the best I've
ever seen" according to the nurses and GI doctor who found "absolutely
nothing" - not even a polyp in my colon.   My subsequent PET/CT full-body
scan also found no trace of cancer anywhere!" 

"I take several of your products simply because THEY WORK!!!   My heart is
strong, my BP is great, my blood sugar is normal, and I'm 71.  I was
denied Life insurance because at my age I'm supposed to be taking a handful
of drugs to "take care of my health" they say.  So, I was declared a high
risk because I don't take ANY Rx meds. Oh well, I don't expect to die
anytime soon anyway!"  

After writing my book and testing every curcumin-based product on the
market, I eventually formulated Daily Dose. Far too many products
have been adulterated with things like "bioperine," which is just a
scammy word for f@#king black pepper!

LOL...can you imagine paying for black pepper?

Not only is it not needed but it takes away from the dose required for

Daily Dose uses cayenne. The active ingredients in cayenne bind up
detox enzymes that work to break curcumin down. By binding them up,
you are able to "sneak" curcumin "through the door," increasing

That's why Daily Dose works so damn well...and as a medicinal chemist,
it's one of my pride and joy products. It's not a me-too wanna-be like
so many others.

It's hilarious watching people promote bioperine as some type of wonder
ingredient. But at the same time, it's sad because most people are wasting
time, money and health taking them.

Stock up on Daily Dose at

In addition to curcumin and cayenne, Daily Dose also has boswellic acids!
These are clinically proven to preserve and boost memory!

At the very least, you owe it to yourself to learn about Daily Dose:

Dare to live young!

The People's Chemist