Subject: ~Cancer Doc Sentenced to 45 Years! (How to never get cancer!)


Another lowlife from the medical community has been outed as a fraud.

Dr. Farid Fata, a Detroit-based cancer doctor, was recently sentenced to 45
years in a federal prison.

His crime?

Telling people they had cancer…when they didn’t. Then, pumping them
full of chemotherapy drugs and obliterating their health like a bull
tearing through a China shop.

His motive? Money.

As I warned in Over-The-Counter Natural Cures EXPANDED, hospitals
and doctors get KICKBACKS for prescribing chemo!

Anyone listening?

Dr. Fata was caught collecting MILLIONS of dollars from insurance companies —
at least $34 million in fraudulent Medicare billings.

Yawn…nothing new here.

Sadly, over 500 patients saw their health and in some cases, lives,

“Dr. Fata gave poison to people who didn't even have cancer ... to make
money,” said U.S. Attorney Barbara McQuade.

"This is a huge, horrific series of criminal acts that were committed by
the defendant," said U.S. District Judge Paul Borman.

Fata was sentenced with multiple counts of health care fraud, money
laundering and conspiracy to pay and receive kickbacks. A whistleblower
from his practice gave him up to the feds.

But the question no one is asking is…how can so many cancer-free people
have allowed themselves to be tricked into believing they have cancer in
the first place?!?!

How do you convince someone who DOESN’T HAVE CANCER…that
they have cancer?!?

Easy, you just wear a white coat and tell them they have cancer...It's
happening right now in 1000 other clinics...

Furthermore, it’s ironic that no one is talking about the toxic chemotherapy
drugs. Everyone wants to focus on the criminal doctor. As if
he’s just the one bad apple in the bunch.

If the “medicine” Fata was giving his "healthy" patients was making them
very sick… What the hell must this same medicine do to an actual cancer
patient, who is already sick?!?

Huh? Read all about it in Over-The-Counter Natural Cures!

As a chemist for Eli Lily, I learned that the so-called cancer drug Tamoxifen
was CAUSING cancer...That was ignored and today, millions of women
are taking the cancer causing drug thinking they are fighting cancer....

This scandal shows how EASILY the average American is fooled.

Don’t question a doctor…just blindly accept whatever they say. Don’t
question the safety of medicine…just take it.

I could pluck an ape from a zoo, slap a white lab coat on him, give him a
fancy piece of paper and an orange bottle full of M&Ms…and scores of
people would happily refer to him as “Dr.,” while lining up to take
health advice from him.

It’s nuts.

Just because someone is a “doctor” — even a cancer doctor —
doesn’t mean you can or should trust them with your life…or your

The number one killer today according to The Journal of the American
Medical Association is…wait for it…using prescription drugs as
prescribed by the apes who call themselves doctors.

…Just yesterday an emergency room doctor who happened to be at a friends
house wanted to prescribe my 8 week old erythromycin (an antibiotic) for
her pink eye!

Are you f@#$ing kidding me? Breast milk and silver colloids killed it in
24 hours without any side effects...The same type of silver that hospitals
use to treat people in the, effective, natural, no prescription

That doc is emblematic of cancer docs and all the others…bury sick people
with prescription drugs that enrich their pharmaceutical masters.

Just because a prescription is written doesn’t mean you should take it.

Protestors complained that Fata’s 45-year sentence was too lenient.
“There will never be justice,” said someone who lost her mother.

I'll tell you how you can get justice…

Don’t become a victim in the first place. ARM yourself with
knowledge…and USE it to live young.

Fortunately, The People’s Chemist fans know that with the right
information, they have real POWER over their own health.

Start by reading Over-the-Counter Natural Cures, my groundbreaking book
that contains a complete protocol for kicking cancer’s ass.

Get it from Amazon for about $13 bucks! It will be your second bible!

Dare to live young,

The People’s Chemist

P.S. Want to build an impenetrable cancer shield? Start using
one Daily Dose capsule ( when you wake up!
Loaded with turmeric/curcumin, your body is equipped to fight cancer
naturally when you put this protector to use!

What does the science say?

MD Anderson Cancer Center wrote, "Various scientific studies have shown
that the yellow compound in turmeric, curcumin, contains potent antioxidant
and anti-inflammatory properties. These can inhibit tumor cell growth and
suppress enzymes that activate carcinogens."

Learn more at