Subject: ~Can You 'Catch' High Blood Sugar?

Media headlines are asking, "Is it possible to catch diabetes?”

We must be at a new low for stupidity.

Recently, media outlets worldwide write, "Earlier this year, U.S. researchers
suggested that type 2 diabetes may be caught from damaged proteins
known as prions — these are infectious agents, like those that transmitted
mad cow disease from cattle to humans."

This is pharmaceutical astroturfing...the practice of masking the sponsors
of a message to make it appear as though it originates from and is supported
by a grassroots scientists.

Let me explain.

Type II diabetes (high blood sugar) is the biggest scourge since the Black
Plague. Today, one in three born after the year 2000 will lose 11 to 20 years
from their lifespan.

And most of them will have no idea what's killing them...slowly. And if
you can convince them that it's contagious and from "prions," you
can successfully sell a vaccine.

Bam...this is the pharmaceutical model that was all too apparent to me
as a medicinal chemist.

Let's be clear.

Type II diabetes isn't contagious. It never will be. To be honest, any disease
caused by high blood sugar is a self-inflicted one....

You might even call it a disease of too much sugar.

Or maybe you can call Type II diabetes an illness of not reading labels.

...of not avoiding cane sugar.

Or maybe it's just a disease of willful ignorance?

Either way, if you give a shit about your health, you don't need any
pharmaceutical intervention, whatsoever to beat high blood sugar.

It can easily be attacked and reversed with:

1. Cinnergy (cinnamon and milk thistle combo at
2. A high healthy fat diet as outlined in
3. My FREE 18 Minute Workout App (Search your App store)

Saying you can “catch” diabetes is like saying your friends donut
jumped in your mouth...

It's absurd and as stupid as that joke.

And while their busy astroturfing diabetes, they're going to scare anyone
with high blood sugar away from meat, telling them it's is ripe with

Did everyone take off their thinking caps?

It’s real simple. Type 2 diabetes is the result of eating too many
sugary foods, year after year. Eventually, your muscle cells detiorate
and stop responding to insulin, which is like Uber for sugar. It escorts
glucose out of the blood and into the muscle cell to be destroyed.

The easy fix is to force your muscle cells to respond to insulin, once again.
And the quickest way to jolt these cells and your body back to life is with - it's like being exposed to a "Vita-ray."

When you start taking Cinnergy, your energy bounces back, glucose
plummets, and so do triglycerides and A1C!

Stock up at

And if you're testosterone has been choked out by high blood sugar,
start taking and

Ditch the meds,

The People’s Chemist

P.S. “Intriguingly, scientists are finding evidence that you may be able
to catch ‘lifestyle’ disorders such as diabetes, Alzheimer’s and even
joint pain,” says the Daily Mail.

Ridiculous. These diseases are brought on by a lifetime of poor
choices…like eating too much sugar. Most diseases are self-created. You
always have a choice about how healthy you wish to be in life. You can’t
“catch” diabetes anymore than you can “catch” swallowing a donut.

To ward off diabetes, use — it lowers blood sugar,
blasts fat, demolishes sugar cravings, and more!