Subject: Can You Bust Cancer for $6?



January 26th, 2009

From The Desk of The People's Chemist:

Can You Fight Cancer with $6?

While writing my book, Over-The-Counter Natural Cures, I exposed a wildly potent cancer buster that costs about $8 per month. I wrote about it extensively and it has changed lives. I left some information out though! Some cost as little as $6!

Plus, there are ways to make cancer busters more potent. And even more exciting, other cancer busters exist that are all-natural and inexpensive. I documented them during the writing process. And I'm going to teach you about them in an exclusive online seminar with 9 other health and medicine experts.

You can listen live to the seminar AND get the recorded sessions on audio CD at

Can You Fight Cancer with "$6?"

Attend this ONLINE seminar to:

- Understand the "Chemo Cover-up"
- See why I don't like Suzanne Somers new book on cancer
- Learn how to ensure that your body can fight cancer
- Learn how to make “Over-The-Counter Cancer Busters” more potent
- Learn about the bark that carries the ingredients that remove skin cancer
- Learn about the exotic tea that stops blood cancers in its tracks
- Learn how these natural cures slow the aging process
- Learn why you don't have to fear cancer
- And Lots more...

This seminar is being hosted by The Holistic Health Virtual Conference and will be presented with 9 other experts.

You can listen live to the seminar AND get the recorded sessions on audio CD at

The Holistic Health Virtual Conference speakers include:

- Daniel Amen, MD, Renowned author of 23 books and numerous PBS specials, on "Change Your Brain, Change Your Body"

- Ann Louise Gittleman, PhD, CNS, Author of 30 books on nutrition, health, and beauty, on "Detox for Health, Beauty, and Weight Loss"

- Steven Hotze, MD, Author and health radio host, on "Signs and Symptoms of Hormonal Imbalance"

- Charles Parker, DO, Author and neuroscientist, on "Holistic Mental Health: Body-Mind Biology"

- Rodger Murphree, DC, CNS, Author and chiropractic physician, on "The Medical Myths of Heart Disease"

- Nancy Desjardins, RNCP, Author and Nutritional Consultant, on "How To Quickly and Naturally End Your Sugar and Food Cravings"

- Shane "The People's Chemist" Ellison, MS, Author and chemist, on "Can $6 a Month Cure Cancer?"

- Jennifer Koretsky, Author, coach, and conference organizer, on "Stress Management for Better Health"

And don't worry if you can't make it on Wednesday. Once you enroll, every presentation will be available for 60 days. And you can download each one for later listening at your convenience

I invite you to be among those fortunate enough to have access to this valuable advice and information. The advice in these presentations could literally save your life. But don't delay. Live spots are limited due to bandwidth.

Dare to Live Young,

Shane Ellison, M.S.
