Subject: ~Can You Be Healthy and Overweight at Same Time?


It's a proven fact:

You can't be overweight and healthy at the same time.

And there's a very simple, scientific reason:

Your body is unable to heal itself when hauling extra fat.

That's why when you're overweight, there's so many complications:

- You're more susceptible to infection
- You're more susceptible to heart disease and diabetes
- You're more susceptible to stroke
- You're more susceptible to acid reflux
- You're more susceptible to sore joints

The list is a mile along.

An overweight body simply falls apart. And it's traced
back to a term I coined called hormonal ignorance! Output, balance
and sensitivity of estrogen sets it all off...and in time cancer arises.

The National Cancer Institute discovered this and published,
"high levels [of estrogen] have been associated with the risk of breast,
endometrial, and some other cancers."

When I was a chemist for Big Pharma, my sole job was to figure out how
to block excess estrogen.

Big Pharma was on the wrong track. You don't block it, you force the body
to become more sensitive to it! When this happens, the body stops
producing the excess!

When you're more sensitive to hormones, output and sensitivity begin to
normalize and weight plummets, along with all of the side effects of obesity!

Optimizing your hormone balance, output and sensitivity is as simple
as following my By adhering to 6 simple
habits, your body begins to chisel away at it's own fat, at any age.

In 2008, recognizing the alarming death rates caused by obesity, the
National Academies Press wrote that, "Today, death is more likely to be
caused by long-term chronic conditions that have been treated but not
cured [obesity]."

Sadly, most people would rather treat symptoms of obesity, not obesity.

Now you can be free of both! Start my 90 day program, get 20% off
and work directly with me:

This comes with everything you need:

- Meal planning
- Supplements
- Whey Advanced
- Yerba Mate fat burner
- Custom workout plan
- Even my support via email!

There's no reason to be overweight when you have science
(and me) on your side!

Dare to live young,

The People's Chemist

P.S. How hard is it to follow 6 simple habits? A lot of people ask that...
I'll tell you that it's VERY hard if you're unwilling to read...See

P.S.S. The first thing you will get in the mail is a Quick Start Guide!
You will use this to send me an email! It has questions for you to answer.
Get those back to me as quickly as possible and we can begin! This is a
huge savings and won't last. All you have to do is follow 6 simple instructions
and have a burning desire to live young! Go to

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